Live Mike
"The Greatest Schism in the History of the Catholic Church will result in Three Different Camps." 1) Dupes || 2) Dissidents || 3) Catholics who want the non-Catholic, anti-pope cast out & deposed || …More
"The Greatest Schism in the History of the Catholic Church will result in Three Different Camps."
1) Dupes ||
2) Dissidents ||
3) Catholics who want the non-Catholic, anti-pope cast out & deposed ||
Source: Jeff Rense interview with Fr. Paul Kramer, 6 October 2023, Edited clip from Podcast
Live Mike
It is interesting to point out, "The schism of Anacletus in the twelfth century, like that of Felix V in the fifteenth, was due to the existence of an anti-pope."
The devil likes to divide and sow disunity. Priest against priest, Bishops against Bishops...blacks against whites, Jews against Moslems, Traditionalist against Modernist....
Hound of Heaven
Forget about the Pachamama, 'Pachapapa' needs to be tossed into the Tiber.
Exactly what is an anti pope? If he is not a pope what is he?
Live Mike
Ivan Tomas
Exactly that what those words means he is aka everything what diametrical opposite is to a Pope.
You cant possibly mean everything? He is a man,he is In Rome,he wears while,he claims to be pope,he is generally acknowledged as pope,so how is that everything opposite?
Live Mike
"Before the Warning, a Synod will take place, an important Synod.""When the Church suffers Confusion, the people are going to suffer too. Some priests who are communists will create such Confusion that people will not know right from wrong.""Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the …More
"Before the Warning, a Synod will take place, an important Synod.""When the Church suffers Confusion, the people are going to suffer too. Some priests who are communists will create such Confusion that people will not know right from wrong.""Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist.""The Warning will be brought about after the Church has been cruelly torn by 'something like a Schism'." - Quotes from the yet to be approved Apparitions in Garabandal