Episode 1: Live Blacks Matter Too: Who's Behind America's Race War? Following an officer involved shooting in Charlotte, North Carolina yesterday a mob of angry protestors began attacking police officers …More
Episode 1: Live Blacks Matter Too: Who's Behind America's Race War?

Following an officer involved shooting in Charlotte, North Carolina yesterday a mob of angry protestors began attacking police officers and vehicles in the middle of the freeway. So, how's that New World Order bit working out so far? Do you feel safe...ANYWHERE? What's going on? How did it all get so completely out of control? Is this really about racism, or is it orchestrated social engineering designed to usher in the police state on the back of pre-planned race riots?
Leonard Wessell
I, following the black conservative, David Carroll, disagreed as to the "responsibility" of blacks for their own INDIVIDUAL life decisions. The liberal policies, pushed by Pres. Johnson, to make permanent voters of the Dem Party, by introducing in the 1960s massive welfare-ism, did certainly destroy the family structure of blacks (and is damaging whites today). Said policies can indeed be seen as …More
I, following the black conservative, David Carroll, disagreed as to the "responsibility" of blacks for their own INDIVIDUAL life decisions. The liberal policies, pushed by Pres. Johnson, to make permanent voters of the Dem Party, by introducing in the 1960s massive welfare-ism, did certainly destroy the family structure of blacks (and is damaging whites today). Said policies can indeed be seen as a productive "cause" or significant influence rendering the black community dysfunctional. This dysfunctionality constitutes the social environment that favors asocial behavior by blacks, BUT it does not relieve each and every black from "self-responsibility". The doctrine of "victimization" (as Carroll repeatedly complains) justifies blacks in believing that they cannot help themselves, and that makes them "dependent" (exactly what is what Liberals want). Mr. Matt is VERY correct about the nefarious, unsocial and often immoral policies of the Democrats (and enough Republicans too). He overshoots, alas, the situation by removing, at least verbally, "SELF-responsibilitys" from blacks qua individuals. What is politically needed is that laws and policies are enacted that make "self-responsibility" once again viable, functional and effective for the daily life of the members of the black community. And blacks responding with prideful responsibility.