VATICAN REALITY CHECK: What about Amazon infanticide? Reporting from Rome, Michael Matt breaks down the Day 2 press conference from the Amazon Synod. One brave reporter asked the panel what's to be …More
VATICAN REALITY CHECK: What about Amazon infanticide?
Reporting from Rome, Michael Matt breaks down the Day 2 press conference from the Amazon Synod. One brave reporter asked the panel what's to be done about the fact that some twenty Amazon tribes still practice infanticide. Even though the Synod's own UN spokesperson today admitted that infanticide is a problem, Jesuit Cardinal Baretto Jimeno rebuked the reporter, telling him to bring evidence of the claim next time. Three questions: If Amazon culture is more or less sacred, how can the UN tell those tribes to stop committing infanticide? Second: How does the Vatican go about determining which of the Amazon people should be listened to and learned from, and which need to be avoided for still engaging in infanticide? Third: How can the Vatican care about infanticide in the Amazon when they just got through embracing the communist People's Republic of China, which has been engaging in gendercide for centuries? And, finally, Greta Thunberg …More
ANTHROPOLOGIST WAS BULLIED AND PERSECUTED FOR SHOWING THE TRUTH ABOUT INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AT UNIVERSITY Napoleon Chagnon Documentary: He explains that in confrontation with other Amazon tribes, women are robbed, children are killed by being stabbed to death, and babies are smashed against a stone and more... Youtube removed the documentary, you can only see it on the page of the University of Nebraska …More
ANTHROPOLOGIST WAS BULLIED AND PERSECUTED FOR SHOWING THE TRUTH ABOUT INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AT UNIVERSITY Napoleon Chagnon Documentary: He explains that in confrontation with other Amazon tribes, women are robbed, children are killed by being stabbed to death, and babies are smashed against a stone and more... Youtube removed the documentary, you can only see it on the page of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, here: Ax Fight