Bishop Williamson: "Putin is our main hope of freedom from liberal domination,"

RESURRECTION of RUSSIA MARCH 30, 2024 Are signs of hope around us all extinct? No! Signs of God in Russia are quite distinct! The following page, shortened and adapted from a recent article of Alexander …More
MARCH 30, 2024
Are signs of hope around us all extinct?
No! Signs of God in Russia are quite distinct!

The following page, shortened and adapted from a recent article of Alexander Dugin, a leading thinker in Putin’s Russia, shows how Russia’s battle must now move to the battlefield of hearts and minds, away from the Communist and liberal land of the dead. It will. Our Lady is at work on the Russian people –
When Communism collapsed in Russia at the end of the 1980’s, it was liberalism that took over as the ruling ideology. Since 1991, virtually all major principles established in education, the humanities, and culture have been laid down on a strictly liberal basis. Liberalism arrived in Russia as the dominance of pro-Western liberal minorities, the ‘reformers.’ This liberal elite, comprising oligarchs, a network of American influence agents, and corrupt late-Soviet senior officials, rules by totalitarian methods. They act in the name of progress and globalisation …More
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