
Saint Called Vatican II's Messing Around with Religious Orders "Destructive Non-Sense"

In 1966, the Minister General of the Franciscans visited Padre Pio a little before the special chapter that was to deal with new constitutions. He met Padre Pio in the cloister and asked him for prayers …More
In 1966, the Minister General of the Franciscans visited Padre Pio a little before the special chapter that was to deal with new constitutions. He met Padre Pio in the cloister and asked him for prayers and his blessings.
"Father, I have come to commend the special chapter for the new constitutions to your prayers".
He had barely uttered the words "special chapter" and "new constitutions", when Padre Pio made a violent gesture and exclaimed: "All this is nothing but destructive nonsense".
"But, Father, after all, the younger generation must be taken into account. Young people evolve according to their fashions. There are needs, new demands."
"The only thing lacking, said Padre Pio, are the soul and the heart, they are everything, intelligence and love."
He left for his cell but turned around saying: "We must not distort ourselves, we must not distort ourselves! At the judgement of the Lord, St Francis will not receive us as his children!"
A year later, the same scene repeated itself at …More
Restorationist Jimbo shares this
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Warnings of a very great saint ignored by both the Franciscas and Capuchins, and all religious orders around the world. Padre Pio knew what he was speaking about. He had forsight as to what was going to happen. And he called Vatican II and it's "reforms" to religious life exactly what it was, "destructive nonsense". Examples are too many to post, but here are some: Franciscans (1963) 28,000 members …More
Warnings of a very great saint ignored by both the Franciscas and Capuchins, and all religious orders around the world. Padre Pio knew what he was speaking about. He had forsight as to what was going to happen. And he called Vatican II and it's "reforms" to religious life exactly what it was, "destructive nonsense". Examples are too many to post, but here are some: Franciscans (1963) 28,000 members...2022- 12,400. Capuchins, 1964- 17,206...2022- 9,811, Redemptorists (1964), 8,860...2022- 4,424...Trappist Monks _ 1964-6,012...2022- 1,541, Dominicans (1964) 10,100.....2022- 5,775... Daughters of Charity (1965) 51,046...2022 -12,671... Sisters of Mary Reparatrix-(1965) 2,290...2022--340. ...Sisters of LOretto (USA) 1965- 1,278....2022- 94
I could post alot more, but Padre Pio was right.
Sad examples of Orders tryingi to recover tradition and save themselves---here's one example-
Mariawald Trappist Abbey (Germany), after the great Pope Benedict XVI allowed for a nearly complete return to the Tridentine Latin Mass, with Summorum Pontificum, it was largely ignored across the Catholic worild. But 1 Trappist Abbey, Mariawald which was down to 10 monks, had just elected a new Abbot who was a tradition minded man, and wanted to save his Abbey. So he petitioned Rome and was granted permission for Mariawald to return to the Latin Mass, and all the old Trappist traditions and disiplines. Within 2 years, the monastery had a flood of inquiries, and many came to try theirvocation, though few stayed. The aged liberal members of the abbey, and the radical liberal Abbot General at the time and his Council, put great pressure on Mariawald to abandon this path. The elderly monks at Mariawald threw basically hissy-fits at this return to tradition, and protested so much that the Abbey was first forbidden to accept any more novices, and then finally , forced in 2019 to close down, thus ending an experiment meant to save the Abbey and the Trappist Order. Now there are no Trappist Abbies of men in Germany. And the Trappist Order, now with a new Abbot General who is another radical liberal from the Netherlands, and pushing even faster to extinction.
Before Vatican II, there were many Trappist Abbies in Europe and USA which had 100+ monks. Today, only 5 Abbies have over 30 monks, most have less than 20...and there were, as of 2021, only 23 postulants in the entire Order of 80+ monasteries.
Padre Pio was 100% correct. And Pope Francis and company are deliberatly accelerating the declines, targeting and persecutiong the traditional,orthodox, or solid Orders.
I hope the reign of Pope Francis is over before Easter of 2023.
suzana monika klara
GOD bless you fratello love padre pio our italian saint