
Vicar quits over school's plan to hide pupil's sex change from parents

A vicar has resigned following a bitter dispute with his bishop over the way a Church of England school handled an eight-year-old …
My father's generation died by the thousands in their young manhood liberating Europe. They didn't get to come home, take a wife and make a family, raise children, grow to old age and enjoy grandchildren, and spend a lifetime serving almighty God. For what? This? It boils my blood. NATO article five must be abolished. A people too stupid to defend itself and so depraved is not worth defending at all. …More
My father's generation died by the thousands in their young manhood liberating Europe. They didn't get to come home, take a wife and make a family, raise children, grow to old age and enjoy grandchildren, and spend a lifetime serving almighty God. For what? This? It boils my blood. NATO article five must be abolished. A people too stupid to defend itself and so depraved is not worth defending at all.

Let Europe know that they are on their own. When the hordes arrive; the US is not coming. Maybe then they'll figure out that either they raise their boys to be men who love their own people and their heritage, and are not afraid to fight for it, or they will perish from the earth.
God save you people. Save us from these heretics.