
Apostate Jorge Bergoglio Backs ‘Married’ Gays Who Rented Uterus

by Jules Gomes • ChurchMilitant.com • October 28, 2020 Gay parents lauded in 'Francesco' dismiss mom as 'anthropological construct' ROME (…
Gesù è con noi
Faithful Resistance to Pope Francis’s Call for Civil Union Laws
By John Horvat II Catholics have long extended the benefit of the doubt to Pope Francis when he frequently veers off the path of orthodoxy. With his latest statement regarding same-sex civil unions, there are no benefits in entertaining doubts. Many Catholics sense something is terribly wrong.
“What we have to create is a civil union …More
Faithful Resistance to Pope Francis’s Call for Civil Union Laws
By John Horvat II Catholics have long extended the benefit of the doubt to Pope Francis when he frequently veers off the path of orthodoxy. With his latest statement regarding same-sex civil unions, there are no benefits in entertaining doubts. Many Catholics sense something is terribly wrong.
“What we have to create is a civil union law,” says the pope in the documentary, “Francesco,” just released at a premiere in Rome. “That way, they are legally covered.”
Every catholic should read it and if they still support bergoglio then they are not catholic anymore.