
Have you noticed? The cult of DIE has spread just in western countries

Yes, have you noticed that the DIE, diversity, inclusion and equity, policy, which proselytizes more like a cult is just in Western …
English Catholic
Actually, it hasn't 'just' spread, it's been going on for years. Well over a decade ago, when I was working for a government department, I was told to go on a 'Diversity and Equality' course. I refused. They insisted. I asked them to show me where the directive was mandatory. They couldn't. I didn't go. People must ask for written evidence that DE or DIE training is mandatory, before just rolling …More
Actually, it hasn't 'just' spread, it's been going on for years. Well over a decade ago, when I was working for a government department, I was told to go on a 'Diversity and Equality' course. I refused. They insisted. I asked them to show me where the directive was mandatory. They couldn't. I didn't go. People must ask for written evidence that DE or DIE training is mandatory, before just rolling over and giving in.
Father Karl A Claver
This is supersonic demonic.