
Abusive Pell Judge Has Damaged Credibility of Australian Court System For Decades

Melbourne Judge Peter Kidd turned his secret trial against Martyr Cardinal George Pell suddenly into a show when he ordered to broadcast his sentence on Wednesday - against the remonstrance of Pell's lawyers.

Kidd had kept his trial secret for months, threatening journalists who reported about it with prison. But now he wanted himself to be broadcast, suddenly calling this “transparent and open justice.”

Against the facts and witnesses, Kidd condemned the Cardinal to six years in prison for a "crime" of which he was never able to explain how Pell realistically could have committed it.

Therefore, instead of explaining Kidd smeared an innocent Pell calling him "breathtakingly arrogant.”

However, the broadcast did not turn out to Kidd's liking. He was visibly nervous and stammered several times. Kidd had the broadcast stopped before Cardinal Pell could re-state the facts.

To add insult to injury, Kidd ordered that Pell has to undergo a "forensic procedure for the taking of an intimate sample” adding that police may use "reasonable force" to enable the procedure.

But Kidd should have gathered such samples at the beginning, not after the end of his sham trial.

God Bless you abundantly en.news!
The verdict on Cardinal Pell was announced March 13, 2019, an evident gift for the boss in the Vatican: sentenced for 6 years in prison for the jubilee of 6 years. The Australian became troublesome in the Roman Curia as finance minister, so they framed him for sexual harassment.
Respect is something that is deserved, it is not automatically warranted, no matter who you are. Kidd you KNOW Cardinal Pell is innocent, yet not only did YOU condone this evil witch hunt, but YOU spoke such vile, evil, false words against a "true" prince of the church. You persecuted Christ while the actors outside were yelling crucify him. You honestly think that you are some sort of hero, indeed …More
Respect is something that is deserved, it is not automatically warranted, no matter who you are. Kidd you KNOW Cardinal Pell is innocent, yet not only did YOU condone this evil witch hunt, but YOU spoke such vile, evil, false words against a "true" prince of the church. You persecuted Christ while the actors outside were yelling crucify him. You honestly think that you are some sort of hero, indeed you are, but only to Satan himself! You are so blind that you think you have glorified the justice system in Australia, then let it be said, you have not, you have disgraced the justice system, you have made a mockery of it. As Christ said, seeing you say you see, your sins remain! May God have mercy on your crowd-pleaser soul!
One of the many faces of the antichrist. Christ is the Truth and the Light. So the antichrist is contrary to the truth, and pretends to act in truth and light to vindicate the oppressed. :(
Pervert and Catholic bigot Judge Kidd falsely imprisons Cardinal Pell, an innocent man by anyone sane person's standard. The pervert Judge Kidd further ordered him to be molested so that an intimate sample may be taken by force if necessary. Disgusting perverted Judge Kidd!
Amen, Catmuse, Amen!
Lion IRC
One has to wonder how any innocent priest faced with this exact same uncorroborated accusation could prove their innocence.
The burden of proof, in these perilous times, now rests on any/all priests to prove that they didn't do what they are charged with - and the default presumption is that ALL accusers always tell the truth. It is literally impossible to get a fair trial.
Cardinal Pell is prejudged …More
One has to wonder how any innocent priest faced with this exact same uncorroborated accusation could prove their innocence.

The burden of proof, in these perilous times, now rests on any/all priests to prove that they didn't do what they are charged with - and the default presumption is that ALL accusers always tell the truth. It is literally impossible to get a fair trial.

Cardinal Pell is prejudged by the court as being so arrogant that he must have thought he could get away with anything, anytime, anywhere. (Strange that he only had one accuser.)

He is prejudged by the court as having such overwhelming authority that if he was caught in the act he could just compel his subordinates to lie for him and provide a false alibi. (So why didn't he do that in this case?)

We are told we shouldn't disrespect the jury/legal system by questioning the verdict. But that's exactly what George Pell's haters would be doing if he was acquitted.
Any lawless judicial system that can so patently persecute an innocent man is worthy of contempt. Furthermore no respect whatsoever must be given to it nor its perverse naked emperor Peter Kidd.
Behold! The face of guilty malice!