Les Crispi
"The credo of satanism is, “The only sin is not to sin. The only shameful act is to NOT be shameless.” This is very close to Luther’s cry of “Sin boldly!” Thus, satanists have a scathing contempt for genuine piety, principled stands, and morality. I have learned over the past four years that evil people within the Church will always accuse people with morality of being heretics. So, for example …More
"The credo of satanism is, “The only sin is not to sin. The only shameful act is to NOT be shameless.” This is very close to Luther’s cry of “Sin boldly!” Thus, satanists have a scathing contempt for genuine piety, principled stands, and morality. I have learned over the past four years that evil people within the Church will always accuse people with morality of being heretics. So, for example, a sacreligious sodomite in the Church would accuse a person with a firm belief and understanding of the 6th Commandment of being a “Jansenist”, a “Calvinist” or a “Rigorist”. Does this correlate 100% with satanism? No, of course not, but the roots of this mindset are satanic in origin."

Satanism: Some Things To Remember | Barnhardt

(I’m reposting this essay from two years ago because of the news Church Militant is breaking on the satanist Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who ran the American …
Rand Miller
I'm sorry I have to keep repeating it. As St. Francis de Sales said " ... now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church..." Any Catholic can easily perceive Ratzinger and Bergoglio are explicit heretics. So if they ever were Popes (which I think not because they have been heretics long before being elected "Pope") they automatically lost that …More
I'm sorry I have to keep repeating it. As St. Francis de Sales said " ... now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church..." Any Catholic can easily perceive Ratzinger and Bergoglio are explicit heretics. So if they ever were Popes (which I think not because they have been heretics long before being elected "Pope") they automatically lost that office and can not be considered Catholics at all.
Les Crispi
Yeah, but according to some a pope can be a heretic!
Les Crispi
Well, I believe there is a pope, and his name is Benedict XVI. But yeah, they'll call you everything.
Angelo Santelli
Viganò Rips Big Pharma, Deep Church Cabal
Better watch yourself, Archbishop, otherwise the poster here on gloria.tv named ULTRAVIOLET will call you, as he did me, who is a Priest, a sedevacantist.More
Viganò Rips Big Pharma, Deep Church Cabal

Better watch yourself, Archbishop, otherwise the poster here on gloria.tv named ULTRAVIOLET will call you, as he did me, who is a Priest, a sedevacantist.