Les Crispi
Les Crispi

'Pope' at Candlemas: No Going Back

Pope Francis at Candlemas: "The temptation today is go to back and conserve traditions, but with rigidity. Rigidity is a perversion. Behind every form of rigidity lies grave problems No returning to …More
Pope Francis at Candlemas: "The temptation today is go to back and conserve traditions, but with rigidity. Rigidity is a perversion. Behind every form of rigidity lies grave problems No returning to the past. No rigidity. Let us open our eyes."
Antipope Bergoglio hates "rigidity", which means, basically he hates rules. He hates dogma. THis is why he blesses coca leaves, worships a demon, marries people on planes, doesn't care about the sanctity of marriage, curses like a sailor , denies hell (that would be too rigid!) and is, right now, accomplishing the one goal his father, Satan, wants more than anything: the destruction of the Mass of the Ages.
Go ahead, defenders. Try and lead me into your circular logic, try to destroy me with mockery, try to project and gaslight. It is all so much empty gnashing of teeth.
You lost. The only question is how many millions of misled Catholics will join you. THat is how great Bergoglio's sins are.
Bergoglio is an antipope and the arch heretic, trying …More
Rand Miller
If Francis doesn't go back to the Faith, he's bound for hell.
Being traditionalist is keeping the Faith given to us by Jesus through the appostles not rigidity
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Les Crispi
"Situational Ethics" otherwise known as relativism.


“I am not speaking only of the divorced and remarried, but of everyone, in whatever situation they find themselves.” (Pope Francis) From the …
Les Crispi

That Time Antipope Bergoglio “Blessed” a Bunch of Cocaine Leaves to Be Used In the Satanic Drug-…

[No, this story is NOT about an average Friday night in Cardinal Coccopalmerio’s suite in the Palace …
Jeffrey Ade
You did it again, I clicked!
Les Crispi
Ever notice the only time he smiles is when he's doing something Satanic? Look at him stare down Jesus in the Host.
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Les Crispi

The Problem With the West, Summed Up in One Picture

and one word: effeminacy .
Les Crispi

Logic Time! Or, More Proof of Antipope Bergoglio's Heresy

This is what the pope said: "let’s think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism: Are these also at home?” Yes, …More
This is what the pope said:
"let’s think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism: Are these also at home?” Yes, these too. The blasphemers, all of them. We are brothers. This is the Communion of Saints."
Only a man who doesn't believe in hell could say this. If hell doesn't exist, then sin doesn't matter. If sin doesn't matter, then good and evil don't exist. If good and evil don't exist, we are all the same. If we are all the same, we all in communion, we would have to be.
This man, Bergoglio is an antipope (thanks to B16's false resignation) and a heretic (thanks to his worship of Satan).
Les Crispi
"The credo of satanism is, “The only sin is not to sin. The only shameful act is to NOT be shameless.” This is very close to Luther’s cry of “Sin boldly!” Thus, satanists have a scathing contempt …More
"The credo of satanism is, “The only sin is not to sin. The only shameful act is to NOT be shameless.” This is very close to Luther’s cry of “Sin boldly!” Thus, satanists have a scathing contempt for genuine piety, principled stands, and morality. I have learned over the past four years that evil people within the Church will always accuse people with morality of being heretics. So, for example, a sacreligious sodomite in the Church would accuse a person with a firm belief and understanding of the 6th Commandment of being a “Jansenist”, a “Calvinist” or a “Rigorist”. Does this correlate 100% with satanism? No, of course not, but the roots of this mindset are satanic in origin."

Satanism: Some Things To Remember | Barnhardt

(I’m reposting this essay from two years ago because of the news Church Militant is breaking on the satanist Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who ran the American …
Rand Miller
I'm sorry I have to keep repeating it. As St. Francis de Sales said " ... now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic he falls ipso facto from his dignity …More
I'm sorry I have to keep repeating it. As St. Francis de Sales said " ... now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church..." Any Catholic can easily perceive Ratzinger and Bergoglio are explicit heretics. So if they ever were Popes (which I think not because they have been heretics long before being elected "Pope") they automatically lost that office and can not be considered Catholics at all.
Les Crispi
Well, I believe there is a pope, and his name is Benedict XVI. But yeah, they'll call you everything.
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Les Crispi

New VAERS data now with almost two million vaxx injuries, and an explanation from HHS/CDC as to why …

Message from the Open VAERS Team: What is underreporting and why it matters? VAERS is widely acknowledged …
Les Crispi

Does Bergoglio Believe in God as a Creator?

Beroglio's own words: "I am convinced that the relationship of paternity that Joseph had with Jesus influenced his life so much, to the point that Jesus’ future preaching is filled with images and …More
Beroglio's own words:
"I am convinced that the relationship of paternity that Joseph had with Jesus influenced his life so much, to the point that Jesus’ future preaching is filled with images and references taken precisely from paternal imagery. For example, Jesus says that God is Father and this statement cannot leave us indifferent, especially when we think about his personal human experience of paternity. This means that Joseph was such a good father that Jesus found in this man’s love and paternity the most beautiful reference he could give to God."
So Jesus, fully God and fully human, decided to call God His father not out of His respect to the Divine Creator (that He was part of), but because He thought it was a cool title.
In the past Bergoglio has stated that he does not believe in the trinity, that Jesus was not God. Apparently Bergoglio also believes that God isn't fatherly, isn't the Creator.
Does he even believe in God????
Les Crispi

Schism: What is, What Isn't.

The standard of schism in the Catholic Church is unity with the pope. We have many tradionalist Catholics who believe that if you question the legality of Pope Francis, you're a schismatic. But we have …More
The standard of schism in the Catholic Church is unity with the pope.
We have many tradionalist Catholics who believe that if you question the legality of Pope Francis, you're a schismatic.
But we have big issues with Bergoglio's "election".
*Benedict XVI, as Ratzinger, frequently wrote of expanding the papacy. This is a modernist idea. His basic thrust was since there was nothing saying it couldn't be done, perhaps it should be done.
*When B16 resigned, he did not satisfy Canon Law requirements. He did not resign the office AND the ministry of the office. Canon Law is not esoteric, it was promulgated specifically for the Catholic world to see.
*B16 was reportedly pressured to step down, and indeed when he first became pope he openly worried about "fleeing" due to the wolves. (Wolves meaning the Satanists in the Church including the St. Gallen Mafia and their acolytes, including Bergoglio).
*When B16 resigned, he said he would create a new office, that of an "emeritus". Nowhere in Canon …More
Les Crispi
"What do we see today? We see an Antipope, falsely installed after an invalid, illegal, non-canonical attempted partial abdication, literally telling people that to obey all of the Ten Commandments is …More
"What do we see today? We see an Antipope, falsely installed after an invalid, illegal, non-canonical attempted partial abdication, literally telling people that to obey all of the Ten Commandments is harmful to the Christian life. We see the same Antipope attempting to convince every human being that THEIR CONSCIENCE, their FEELINGS are higher than God Himself, and thus trump The Law, and that man, not God, is the final arbiter of truth and judge of sin. And, as is always the case in paradigms in which The Rule of Law is destroyed, we see the Rule of Man, that is, a paradigm in which the biggest thug wins, a paradigm in which blackmail, coercion, threats, and eventually physical violence are the only rule, the only “law”, a paradigm in which there is no right to petiton for the redress of grievances, a paradigm in which the jackboot of the biggest thug stomps the human face forever."

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple: The Antidote to Narcissism, Elitism and Oligarchy | Barnhardt

Today, February 2nd, is the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. This is the Fourth Joyful …
Les Crispi

Obeying the 10 Commandments is Harmful to Christian Life?

Les Crispi shares from Les Crispi

Did you know Pagan blood flowed through Jesus' veins?

Yes! It does! According to heretic Bergoglio. "In the Gospel we have heard the genealogy of Jesus (cf. Mt 1,1-17), which is not a simple list of names, but living history, the history of a people with …More
Yes! It does! According to heretic Bergoglio.
"In the Gospel we have heard the genealogy of Jesus (cf. Mt 1,1-17), which is not a simple list of names, but living history, the history of a people with whom God has walked and, by becoming one of us , has wanted to announce to us that through his blood runs the history of the just and sinners, that our salvation is not an aseptic, laboratory salvation, but a concrete salvation, a salvation of life that walks.
This heresy denies the Immaculate Conception and the purity of the Incarnation.
But according to some, I can't discern this, only "THE CHURCH" (which is their cowardly excuse for not accepting Truth) can.
Les Crispi

2017, The Year of the Gay Nativity

Everything Bergoglio does is an inverse of what a Catholic pope would do. Everything he does defiles the Church. A lot has happened in the last few years, but let's remember one of the most obscene, …More
Everything Bergoglio does is an inverse of what a Catholic pope would do. Everything he does defiles the Church. A lot has happened in the last few years, but let's remember one of the most obscene, the Bergoglio homoerotic nativity.
Notice the Star of Bethlehem: phallic, is it not? Look at the cherubs: they have breasts. Look at the Virgin Mary. Looks like a man. And of course, look at the almost completely naked man with the ripped abs.
Irreverent. Disrepsectful. Satanic.
No actual pope has ever and would ever allow this. But Bergoglio did.
It's a horror scene. Like a Mad Max set for the end of Christianity.
Les Crispi

Who is he describing?

If you've noticed, my nemeses are going down yet another rabbit hole in self aggrandizement and mockery, instead of actually proving me wrong. They project, saying I am acting like a know-it-all, and …More
If you've noticed, my nemeses are going down yet another rabbit hole in self aggrandizement and mockery, instead of actually proving me wrong.
They project, saying I am acting like a know-it-all, and are shocked in their priestly self-regard that I have the "authority" to judge someone.
Shall we continue?
“The power of Peter’s keys does not extend to the point that the Supreme Pontiff can declare ‘not sin’ what is sin, or ‘sin’ that which is not sin. In fact, this would be to call evil good, and good evil, something that always has been and will be very far from the one who is the Head of the Church, the pillar and foundation of truth.” - Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book IV, Chapter VI
"It must be noted that the denial of Communion to divorced and invalidly remarried or cohabiting couples is, in itself, a doctrine based on Sacred Scripture and founded upon the divine law.2 To assert the possibility of giving Holy Communion to divorced and invalidly remarried couples …More
Les Crispi

NSA Reports for 5th Consecutive Year the Intelligence Agency Has Extracted Unlawful Electronic Data …

At this point in our nation’s history, certain acceptances are needed in order to accurately identify …
Les Crispi

The Treachery of VP Mike Pence Explained

Les Crispi

Thought Experiment

Man A: I believe in Jesus Christ, Heaven and Hell, and all the dogmatic principles of the Church. I go to confession, go to mass, and pray often to the Saints. I believe the Catholic Church is the one …More
Man A: I believe in Jesus Christ, Heaven and Hell, and all the dogmatic principles of the Church. I go to confession, go to mass, and pray often to the Saints. I believe the Catholic Church is the one True Church and I revere the Papacy.
Man B: Jesus wasn't God, hell doesn't exist, the Catholic church is just like every other religion, and the papacy is just a clerical office. Also I believe the Mass of the Ages should be abolished.
Which one of these men would you guess is the Pope?
If you guessed A, you're WRONG!
Man A is me, this is why I and millions and millions of Catholics believe.
Man B is Jorge Bergoglio.
But according to some, I am not Catholic because I don't think Man B should be calling himself the Pope. Not only that, I'm a Satanist because I am against a man who openly worshipped a Demon in St. Peter's.
If you hold on to the false premise that Man B is the Pope, you eventually turn into a heretic, and you apostasize. We are seeing it right now with many super Catholics …More
Les Crispi
Update 2: @Mathathias Maccabeus Bergoglio has said and demonstrated everything I said. I've demonstrated it with links, with the formal delict of heresy …More
Update 2: @Mathathias Maccabeus Bergoglio has said and demonstrated everything I said. I've demonstrated it with links, with the formal delict of heresy, and with common sense using the Catholic dogma we were taught as children.
Your only defense of Bergoglio is that I'm a Protestant/Satanist, I "lie", and you say I have no right to judge the pope. But of course, I do. I have a right to defend Catholic dogma, something every Catholic has the right to do. When anyone, including Bergoglio, goes against it, I call him or her on it.
What is clear for all to see is how you care more about defending Bergoglio than defending Jesus Christ.
Would Jesus Christ approve of worshipping a demon from South America? Mmm, probably not. But here we are: so called Catholics defending Satanic worship.
And that time he had a bust of Luther in the Vatican? LUTHER?
This @Mathathias Maccabeus character and his equally pedantic and childish cohort claim that they're against this, but their most passionate and …More
Les Crispi
Update: Why would a Catholic who loves Jesus be obsessed with a man trying to destroy His Church? Is @Mathathias Maccabeus Catholic? Does he love Jesus …More
Update: Why would a Catholic who loves Jesus be obsessed with a man trying to destroy His Church? Is @Mathathias Maccabeus Catholic? Does he love Jesus? Does he care that Bergoglio is actively destroying the Church? The bigger question is why this ghoul is obsessed with me.
Les Crispi

It's Time for America to Leave NATO

Les Crispi shares from Les Crispi

What is Coprophagia, and Why Is Bergoglio Obsessed With it?

By the way, you may get tired of me calling "Pope Francis" by his real name. But even Francis doesn't use his papal name on his legal documents. And he's not the pope. So out of respect for the Papacy …More
By the way, you may get tired of me calling "Pope Francis" by his real name. But even Francis doesn't use his papal name on his legal documents. And he's not the pope. So out of respect for the Papacy all the good men who held that divinely assigned position, I will never ever ever call Bergoglio "Francis" or "The Pope".
Here you go.
Les Crispi

What is Coprophagia, and Why Is Bergoglio Obsessed With it?

By the way, you may get tired of me calling "Pope Francis" by his real name. But even Francis doesn't use his papal name on his legal documents. And he's not the pope. So out of respect for the Papacy …More
By the way, you may get tired of me calling "Pope Francis" by his real name. But even Francis doesn't use his papal name on his legal documents. And he's not the pope. So out of respect for the Papacy all the good men who held that divinely assigned position, I will never ever ever call Bergoglio "Francis" or "The Pope".
Here you go.
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