The Trump Vaccine "People Aren't Dying When They Take The Vaccine" - Donald Trump ( Trump's Fast-Tracked (untested) Covid Vaccine under Operation Warpspeed ft The Nuclear Cell War: "A …More
The Trump Vaccine "People Aren't Dying When They Take The Vaccine" - Donald Trump (
Trump's Fast-Tracked (untested) Covid Vaccine under Operation Warpspeed ft The Nuclear Cell War: "A Manhattan Project of Vaccines" - Donald Trump -- DNA Telomere Terminator Vaccine = Programmed Cell Death
He has clearly been misinformed. I know many who have not been vaccinated and not gotten sick at all. I know many who have been vaccinated and gotten very sick several times.
Hound of Heaven
Trump should really let go of this particular albatross and 'fess up in face of all of the blatant fallacies which were made about the efficacy of these 'therapies' and, evidently, how he was misled about them when he was president. (Fauci is on record, and has boasted, about misleading the president on a variety of things.) Otherwise, he remains complicit.