
Francis: Another No-Show

Despite being scheduled to do so, Francis didn't preside the Divine Mercy Sunday Eucharist at St. Peter's but left his place to Archbishop Fisichella. Francis sat aside without liturgical vestments …More
Despite being scheduled to do so, Francis didn't preside the Divine Mercy Sunday Eucharist at St. Peter's but left his place to Archbishop Fisichella.
Francis sat aside without liturgical vestments and read the homily. It was the same situation as during the Easter vigil Eucharist.
Allegedly, Francis suffers from "knee pain," but officially no reasons were given. In his homily, Francis claimed that priests can forgive sins "because they have been forgiven" - which is a wrong Pelagian position.
see below for a discussion of the Feast of Divine Mercy
andreas adi
will his(that) habit becoming 'normal' in vatican?
even he disregard no liturgical rule.
well.he's the pope,a supreme ruler in the catholic church. if he' err,the church will err in him.
what can i and you do?are comment in this post will fix him?
what future of catholic church will be?
how long faithfull must prayer for the pope?
how many reparation prayer must be recited?More
will his(that) habit becoming 'normal' in vatican?
even he disregard no liturgical rule.
well.he's the pope,a supreme ruler in the catholic church. if he' err,the church will err in him.
what can i and you do?are comment in this post will fix him?

what future of catholic church will be?
how long faithfull must prayer for the pope?
how many reparation prayer must be recited?
Only IF the two Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion are properly received, according to Catholic teaching and tradition, can Our Lord confer the Promises revealed to St. Faustina regarding the celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy - i.e., the Grace of a "Second Baptism."
1) Confession - one must have a firm purpose of amendment of life to stop the sin and to avoid the near occasions of …More
Only IF the two Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion are properly received, according to Catholic teaching and tradition, can Our Lord confer the Promises revealed to St. Faustina regarding the celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy - i.e., the Grace of a "Second Baptism."

1) Confession - one must have a firm purpose of amendment of life to stop the sin and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Otherwise, the Grace of Confession is blocked due to the failure in one's interior disposition required for sin to be forgiven & absolved in the Sacrament of Confession/Penance.
2) Holy Communion - one must be free from mortal sin, i.e., having confessed all such sins according to the conditions above. If a soul receives Holy Communion in a state of unconfessed and unabsolved mortal sin, then the sin of sacrilege is committed - and the Graces offered by Our Lord in this most holy Sacrament are blocked due the failure to have the correct interior dispositions and state of soul needed.

It is largely because of the failure to communicate the entire truth about what is required for the reception of the Graces of these two great Sacraments that many traditional Catholics have rejected the profound revelations St. Faustina received from Our Lord about His Divine Mercy and Divine Mercy Sunday. Without the full Truth, not only about what is required for the reception of Confession and the Holy Eucharist, but also about the Moral Law - both according to the Natural Law and the moral precepts of the Divine Law - and our need to correspond to both, the whole idea of Divine Mercy deteriorates into a "pseudo-mercy," which causes people to remain stuck in their sin - due to a lack of repentance and the absence of a firm purpose to sin no more and avoid the near occasions of sin. This is the slippery and sure path to hell -- and is totally opposed to all that Our Lord revealed to St. Faustina about His Mercy.
The so-called "divine mercy" cult is a post-conciliar superstition. It's highly improbable that Our Lord would have:
-destroyed the Octave of Easter with completely new feast,
-destroyed the traditional Catholic Easter discipline i.e. Confession before Easter and Communion during the Paschal Time,
-superimposed on the Sacred Triduum and Easter Sunday so-called Divine Mercy Novena.
It seems odd for the NuChurch to build an obligatory Sunday Mass around a controversial private revalation that no-one is required to believe. Thank goodness it is ignored in most TLM churches.
Notice that "Second Baptism" is in quotes - this is a way of saying that Our Lord promised a remission of all temporal punishment due to sin, on the Sunday after Easter, IF certain conditions were met. He certainly can do this - after all, He is God the Son and the entire reason for His Redemptive mission is the salvation of souls! This is also the reason that the Church exists - even if Bergoglio …More
Notice that "Second Baptism" is in quotes - this is a way of saying that Our Lord promised a remission of all temporal punishment due to sin, on the Sunday after Easter, IF certain conditions were met. He certainly can do this - after all, He is God the Son and the entire reason for His Redemptive mission is the salvation of souls! This is also the reason that the Church exists - even if Bergoglio thinks it is to function as some kind of social service organization concerned primarily with the welfare of people in this world and the establishment of a new world order with a one world religion. The tragedy is that because Bergoglio and so many other clerics have diminished the sense of sin in the Church and have fallen into a Lutheran theology regarding sin and its forgiveness, the great gift offered by Our Lord, as communicated to St. Faustina, has not been understood or received. And, yes, TLM communities have largely ignored this offer of an extraordinary Grace - due to the way the novus ordo communities have misunderstood and abused this gift. However, for all who do understand and comply, Our Lord has not rescinded this gift. It is enormous - each year, I diligently wait for it - as a watchman for the dawn. So did Mother Angelica, who taught it correctly each year that we were blessed to have her among us. One can read all about this offer of Grace in the Diary of St. Faustina, where Our Lord says that now is the time for Mercy before He comes as the Just Judge, which He certainly will!
He is obviously not a well man and needs our prayers in this his time of suffering.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I feel sorry for him if he has a graver health issue than simple knee pain, such as recurrance of colon problems, or actual cancer as has been rumored. But if it's just knee ligament/tendon pain.....kneee pain is just knee pain. Big deal. My grandfather has the same kind of knee pain. He's a year older than Francis, and he still plays 9 holes of golf each Saturday. He takes shots, and has anti-…More
I feel sorry for him if he has a graver health issue than simple knee pain, such as recurrance of colon problems, or actual cancer as has been rumored. But if it's just knee ligament/tendon pain.....kneee pain is just knee pain. Big deal. My grandfather has the same kind of knee pain. He's a year older than Francis, and he still plays 9 holes of golf each Saturday. He takes shots, and has anti-inflammatory med. If all Francis has is knee pain, boo hoo. Mountain out of a molehill.