
Great Salvini Invokes Our Lady, Pro-Gay Cardinal Parolin Gets Angry

"I think party politics divide, but God belongs to everybody. Invoking God for oneself is always very dangerous."

Cardinal Parolin, the pro-gay Vatican Secretary of State, said this after the Italian deputy prime-minister Matteo Salvini had invoked Our Lady during a political rally in Milan.

Parolin spoke at the Roman "Feast of the Peoples", an event used for propagating mass-immigration. At the same time, the March for Life went on in Rome, ignored by the Francis Church.

It's not Salvini’s fault that the Vatican backed parties promoting abortion, mass-immigration, gay pseudo-marriage, euthanasia, and a relapse into barbarism, instead of invoking Our Lady.

Salvini replied to Parolin on La7 TV:

"I'm the last of the good Christians: I'm divorced, I'm a sinner, I swear, I go to mass three times a year. But I defend our history, the existence of Catholic schools."

And: "If I believe in God and ask for Mary's protection, does this bother somebody?"

Lisi Sterndorfer
Salvini has exposed (further) the likes of Cardinal Pietro "Manchurian Candidate" Parolin.
Libor Halik
Česky: Není to chyba Salviniho, že Vatikán podporoval strany, které podporují umělé potraty, masové přistěhovalectví, homosexuální pseudo-manželství, eutanazii a recidivu do barbarství, namísto vzývání Panny Marie. It's not Salvini’s fault that the Vatican backed parties promoting abortion, mass-immigration, gay pseudo-marriage, euthanasia, and a relapse into barbarism, instead of invoking …More
Česky: Není to chyba Salviniho, že Vatikán podporoval strany, které podporují umělé potraty, masové přistěhovalectví, homosexuální pseudo-manželství, eutanazii a recidivu do barbarství, namísto vzývání Panny Marie. It's not Salvini’s fault that the Vatican backed parties promoting abortion, mass-immigration, gay pseudo-marriage, euthanasia, and a relapse into barbarism, instead of invoking Our Lady.