Vox Populi
Transgender believers can be baptised in the Catholic Church, if it would not cause scandal or “confusion”, the Vatican said Wednesday, clarifying a sensitive area of doctrine.

Vatican says transgender Catholics can be baptised - Insider Paper

Transgender believers can be baptised in the Catholic Church, if it would not cause scandal or “confusion”, the Vatican said Wednesday …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
True Mass said it right. The Vatican is infested.....with apostates, heretics, , Woke ideologues, but most especially with QUEERS like Tucho Fernandez.
True Mass
The Vatican is infested.
True Mass
What do you expect from the lavender mafia. Until FAITHFUL CATHOLIC MEN stand up as brothers in Christ and say enough, this filth will continue. Todays supposed men are too busy watching Sportzball. Sunday is for the NFL. Very sad times indeed.
Alejandrina Reyes
Si now drag queens can be godfathers ? No I mean godmothers if the baptized ? Will they teach the faith according to catholic faith? O wow!
In the Bergoglian antichurch, not in Catholic Church.