Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed Rafal Chylinski. Society Must Fight Anti-Christian Discrimination Vatican Cardinal Tarciscio Bertone demanded action against anti-Christian prejudice in an address …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed Rafal Chylinski.

Society Must Fight Anti-Christian Discrimination


Cardinal Tarciscio Bertone demanded action against anti-Christian prejudice in an address to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Astana, Kazakhstan. “Society must fight anti-Christian discrimination with the same determination that it fights anti-Semitism and Islamophobia,” Bertone said. The Cardinal reminded European leaders that Christians suffer persecution more than any other religious group in the world. He noted that “more than 200 million Christians are living in difficult situations.”

A Whole Parish Becomes Catholic


The parish S. John The Evangelist of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary has voted to seek full communion with the Church under the terms of Pope Benedict’s apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus. 90% of parishioners supported the move. “S. John The Evangelist is a centre of orthodox Anglo-Catholicism,” its web site states. “And, as a Shrine Church of Our Lady of Walsingham, we endeavour to give full expression to the Faith once delivered as evidenced in Scripture and attested to in the Creeds and Councils of the undivided Church.”

Auxiliary Bishop Supports Dream Act


Auxiliary Bishop Dominic Luong of Orange in California took part in a November 30 march in support of the DREAM Act, a bill that would allow children of illegal immigrants to obtain permanent residency status by serving in the US military or working towards a college degree. Bishop Luong became the first Vietnamese-born US bishop in 2003.

Father Fessio Sides With the Pope


Father Joseph Fessio, SJ, the American publisher of Light of the World, argues that Pope Benedict's statements on condom use carry broader implications than most readers realize. But the thrust of the Pope's argument, he stresses, is strongly against condom use. The Jesuit strongly supports the Pope's argument-- provided that it is properly understood. He rejects the claim by Sandro Magister of L'Espresso that he is among the critics of the Pope's statement.

Interest is Growing


The biggest interest for the Holy Mass in the extraordinary form exists in Europe, the United States and in Australia, much less in Latin America, Africa and Asia. This, Mgr Guido Pozzo said yesterday in a long interview with the German speaking section of Vatican Radio. Pozzo believes that the interest for the Old Mass is growing.
😇 @Abramo:!FELIZ NAVIDAD!and PEACE to people of GOOD WILL...
This was a very nice plant - growing very well.
This was a very nice plant - growing very well.

Holy Cannoli
Auxiliary Bishop Dominic Luong of Orange in California took part in a November 30 march in support of the DREAM Act, a bill that would allow children of illegal immigrants to obtain permanent residency status by serving in the US military or working towards a college degree.
The devil is in the details and there is far more to the “Dream Act” than what this rosy little November 30th march claimed. …More
Auxiliary Bishop Dominic Luong of Orange in California took part in a November 30 march in support of the DREAM Act, a bill that would allow children of illegal immigrants to obtain permanent residency status by serving in the US military or working towards a college degree.

The devil is in the details and there is far more to the “Dream Act” than what this rosy little November 30th march claimed.

The Dream Act is about power and Latino votes are part of the Democratic calculus for maintaining power since the Democrats are losing the independent vote.

What many people don't understand is that the U.S. already gives citizenship preferences to foreign nationals who complete honorable service in our US armed forces. In fact, we have seen tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals that have attained citizenship in this very way over the last 60+ years. Of course, all those people did it legally. They asked for the permission to come and serve. It was given, and they held up their end of the bargain.

10 Things Auxiliary Bishop Dominic Luong needs to know about the “Dream Act.”

I would also like to remind Auxiliary Bishop Dominic Luong that last month the Pope himself has specifically stated that all countries have the right to regulate immigration flows and protect their borders.
