
German Bishop “Consecrates" Ridiculous But Revealing Table

Munich Auxiliary Bishop Wolfgang Bischof, 61, "consecrated" on 3 July a small glass desk from which the Novus Ordo will be presided over in the otherwise beautiful baroque pilgrimage church of Kirchwald …More
Munich Auxiliary Bishop Wolfgang Bischof, 61, "consecrated" on 3 July a small glass desk from which the Novus Ordo will be presided over in the otherwise beautiful baroque pilgrimage church of Kirchwald, Bavaria.
The ridiculous piece of furniture was placed directly in front of the altar. Both the table and a lectern were produced by a local glass craftsman.
Observers have noted that these glass products demonstrate to everyone that the Novus Ordo is a joke, while the altar of the church waits patiently for the day when the council madness subsides and sanity returns to the church.
Picture: Erzbistum München, Pressefotos, #newsUqfcqdrqwc
John A Cassani
It’s nothing a Louisville Slugger can’t fix.
Jeffrey Ade
@Cassandra Laments That is so funny! I think he's placing a rat trap!
Cassandra Laments
Well, I'm sure there will be plenty of them passing by - perhaps he's opening a trapdoor leading directly down to ........somewhere down below! Seriously though, I can't work out what on earth he's doing. Light switch?
Jeffrey Ade
@Cassandra Laments On closer inspection, seriously, if they were actually Catholic, and that was a real altar and not an abomination it looks like it might be an altar stone!
Cassandra Laments
@Jeffrey Ade Hate to think what relic might be buried in it then. My other thought today - it's really intriguing me, this one - is that since the table is so small, it might also be very lightweight and he was screwing it to the floor. Definitely something to do with light - or lack of it:-)))
Cassandra Laments
Is the altar server lighting a fire under it?
Cassandra Laments
Certainly nothing would surprise me at this point.
This picture says more than a thousand words, and they are not good.
at least they did not remove communion rails and did not put any homo 'art" in this beautiful church.