The Ash Wednesday Mockery. Roman Catholic churches of the Latin Rite use this service to prepare church members to better appreciate the death and resurrection of Christ through self-examination, …More
The Ash Wednesday Mockery.

Roman Catholic churches of the Latin Rite use this service to prepare church members to better appreciate the death and resurrection of Christ through self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting, and self-denial. Ashes from the burned palms of the preceding year's Palm Sunday are blessed. With these ashes, the priest marks a cross on the foreheads of worshipers, saying, "Remember, man, that dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return" (Genesis 3:19 ). Besides showing sorrow for their sins, those who honor Ash Wednesday add an additional meaning; the need to prepare for a holy death.

Today one can just take a walk downtown and observe people at the local bar preparing for this holy death. Modern day Catholics receive this mark on the forehead only as a fashion statement with no preparation for the coming Holy Week. These are the same Catholics that show up to mass only on holidays and occasionally some Sundays throughout the calendar year. These same Catholics can be observed at mass dressed inappropriately or receiving communion in the hand. They wear the label of Catholics with little or no participation in the religion.

These Hippocrates are like someone claiming to be an NBA player but does not practice or play basketball...

By the way, the image to this post is not real, and does not represent real people. It just enhances the point that is made in the post...
Tell that to most college universities. Unfortunately, for most students its too late because they will most likely die in mortal sin...
This image is obviously photoshopped. I found the original (without fake Ash Wednesday Crosses) on Shutterstock.…
After all, an ash cross signed on the forehead by the thumb (of a priest) would look totally different! This was one obviously done with an edding pen.
Does it real make a difference if image is fake or real, don’t you get the point??
Just take a walk down New York City on Ash Wednesday, I bet you will find so called “Catholics” with ashes on forehead making a mockery of our practices...More
Does it real make a difference if image is fake or real, don’t you get the point??

Just take a walk down New York City on Ash Wednesday, I bet you will find so called “Catholics” with ashes on forehead making a mockery of our practices...
Yes it makes a difference. One would be the truth, the other a lie. There's enough real blasphemy, sacrilege, mockery, persecution... coming from both within and without the Church as it is. No need to make anything up to illustrate a point. And on top of that, those are human beings in the photo who never really did what you are accusing them of.
If that kind of thing is really as ubiquitous in …More
Yes it makes a difference. One would be the truth, the other a lie. There's enough real blasphemy, sacrilege, mockery, persecution... coming from both within and without the Church as it is. No need to make anything up to illustrate a point. And on top of that, those are human beings in the photo who never really did what you are accusing them of.

If that kind of thing is really as ubiquitous in NYC as you claim, it should be no problem to get an actual photo of real people committing the actual "mockery" instead of doctoring up an image and maligning six people in the process.
Are you serious???
Did you not read the post correctly??
The post clearly states in the end of it, THESE ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE!!! And not a Real Photo!!!
Please save your judgmental attacks for the enemy known as the Devil...More
Are you serious???

Did you not read the post correctly??

The post clearly states in the end of it, THESE ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE!!! And not a Real Photo!!!

Please save your judgmental attacks for the enemy known as the Devil...
Added that on edit, eh Lalanz? Pathetic. Go pollute some other website.
Lion IRC
JTLiuzza - Lalanz's use of a stock image is necessary to avoid illegal using actual images of real NYC people. And you are completely missing (or deliberately avoiding) the topic.
Posting a photo you took on the streets of NYC is not illegal. You are being obtuse.
Lion IRC
I didn't say it was (unconditionally) illegal - I said you would use a stock image to AVOID illegality. You do NOT have a universal right to freely publish pictures of any/all people - and you can be sued if you're not very careful. So the stock image is a prudent legal precaution.
Now, do you want to get back on topic or not?
You're as much a troll as is Lalanz. Modifying photos of people to present them doing something they were clearly not doing is unjust. And doing so instead of posting photos of people ACTUALLY doing what you object to in order to avoid phantom legal consequence is cowardly.
If you and Lalanz have a point to make, make it like men, which is obviously beyond you both. If you're scared of posting …More
You're as much a troll as is Lalanz. Modifying photos of people to present them doing something they were clearly not doing is unjust. And doing so instead of posting photos of people ACTUALLY doing what you object to in order to avoid phantom legal consequence is cowardly.

If you and Lalanz have a point to make, make it like men, which is obviously beyond you both. If you're scared of posting actual photographic evidence of the offense to which you object, then simply state your objection without photos. Doctoring photos is more than a little effeminate. And I think we've all had enough of effeminacy. At least some of us have. Not enough apparently.
when you are a child ,you do what children do ,when you are grown and mature you stop doing childess things