
Francis Under Fire

His campaign for an unlimited mass-immigration has put Pope Francis under fire in Italy. Referring to last Sunday's scanty participation in Francis' Angelus, the Italian voxnews.info writes, "The faithful run away from Bergoglio". It points out that Francis preaches "a world without walls" while the Italian state has to guarantee around him a strict and very expensive security with policemen, snipers and undercover agents. The article concludes, "Francis preaches hospitality but he lets us live with the consequences."

Picture: © korea.net, CC BY-SA, #newsWacshfitjj
San Atanasio ora pro nobis and one more user link to this post
People who live in protected barriers should not throw advise. If liberals lived their suggestions to everyone else they would be miserable.
Angie W.
Pope Leo XIII: We have no doubt that you [Jesuits] will, according to your promise, devote all your energy to this object. This is a duty imposed on you by the obedience which, by your rule, you vow to the Holy See; and by the Constitutions of your Society, which decree that philosophy and theology shall be taught according to the doctrine and method of St Thomas.
Angie W.
Bergoglio has an extremist leftist political agenda against the principles of Saint Thomas Aquinas. "The Church declared Thomas' doctrine to be her own , Cum Thomae doctrinam Ecclesia suam propiam edixit esse”.-- Pope Benedict XV (1921).
What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?