
Discernment? Francis’s Next Embarrassing Friend

Luca Casarini, a left-wing extremist, is under investigation for aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

In the past, Francis wrote two enthusiastic letters to him (“Luca, dear brother”; “you can always count on me”), received him personally (last time: March 2023), and made him a participant in the S[ex]-Synod.

Casarini heads the NGO Mediterranea which has brought 422 illegal immigrants to Italy. For this scope, he secretly received more than €2M (€4,900/immigrant) from the Vatican and Italian bishops who did this to flatter Francis.

He took €6K/month for himself to pay his private rent and the separation from his wife.

Among the prelates implicated in the affair are Bergoglio, Zuppi (Bologna), Lorefice (Palermo), Czerny (Vatican), Battaglia (Naples), Castellucci (Modena) and Hollerich (Luxembourg).

On November 30, LaVerita.info published embarrassing chats (2019-2021) found by the police on Casarini's mobile phone:

• Casarini calls the “Bergoglian bishops” who finance him “a**holes” for not making their donations public.

• On the S[ex]-Synod: “Guys, I still have to recover from these days and especially from the physical effort I made to look like an a** to tell Francis to give the money.”

• “As you know, I can be a big pain in the a**.”

• “The Catholic Church is becoming our Soros”

• Father Mattia Ferrari, 30, Casarini's “chaplain”, wrote that Zuppi was taking his time to pay. Alluding at Zuppi's vanity, Casarini suggests, “"Write to him that you saw him [on TV] and that he was handsome and then ask him again".

• After a Francis homily, Ferrari chats: “Casarini has become Francis' ghostwriter”.

• Ferrari calls a 2020 meeting of bishops in Bari where Casarini participates, “a load of crap”.

• Casarini also made fun of Francis' "Luca, dear brother", saying "now let's work on 'Luca, favourite son'".

Mediterranea is also accused of receiving €125,000 from Maersk, the Danish owner of the ship that picked up 27 illegals who were transferred to Casarini's ship, implying that this was done for financial rather than humanitarian reasons.

Casarini defends himself by saying that this is all an "attack on Francis"...

Opera 369
La verita' viene sempre a galla. The truth will always come to surface.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The rot and corruption of Pope Francis and his Vatican sticks to the Heavens. They can probably smell it there. The good thing is that "Among the prelates implicated in the affair are Bergoglio, Zuppi (Bologna), Lorefice (Palermo), Czerny (Vatican), Battaglia (Naples), Castellucci (Modena) and Hollerich (Luxembourg)." RHESE PEOPLE ARE IN ENORMOUS TROUBLE, ESPCIALLY FRANCIS....AND IF JUSTICE PURSUED …More
The rot and corruption of Pope Francis and his Vatican sticks to the Heavens. They can probably smell it there. The good thing is that "Among the prelates implicated in the affair are Bergoglio, Zuppi (Bologna), Lorefice (Palermo), Czerny (Vatican), Battaglia (Naples), Castellucci (Modena) and Hollerich (Luxembourg)." RHESE PEOPLE ARE IN ENORMOUS TROUBLE, ESPCIALLY FRANCIS....AND IF JUSTICE PURSUED AS IT SHOULD BE, THESE PEOPLE WILL ALL BE RUINED.
There goes the pontificate of Pope Francis!!!!!!!! And up in black smoke go the chances of Zuppi, Lorfice, Czerny, Battaglia and Hollerich of ever either becoming a cardinal..........and especially ever becoming the next Pope.
Boo hoo hoo Zuppi, you were working so hard for the Papal throne, to be the annointed successor. Now it's gone. You'll end your days in your diocese...or in jail!