I have followed the Peterson phenomenon with great interest for several reasons. First, because Peterson is doing our post-modern, post-rational world a great service. He is ably and coherently defending our Western Christian heritage when so little are unwilling or unable to do so. Second, he’s courageously confronting the madness of irrational, post-modern identity politics with what can only be …More
I have followed the Peterson phenomenon with great interest for several reasons. First, because Peterson is doing our post-modern, post-rational world a great service. He is ably and coherently defending our Western Christian heritage when so little are unwilling or unable to do so. Second, he’s courageously confronting the madness of irrational, post-modern identity politics with what can only be described an innovative approach combining psychology, natural science, symbol, and myth. And third, because he is incredibly effective. Countless young men, formerly rudderless nihilists and atheists, give testimony (often tearfully) to transformative experiences leading to faith and purpose while listening to his lectures.

7 Lessons in Evangelization from Jordan Peterson | The Catholic Gentleman

Recently, an unlikely thinker has exploded on the world stage. His name is Jordan Peterson. A Canadian clinical psychologist and …
@charisma It's true Christians can learn some things from non-Christians, but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to a former protestant turned atheist psychologist try to instruct me on Christianity. I've noticed more and more Catholics promote this guy as if he speaks about Catholic values. He's a charlatan, hypocrite, and a shabbos goy. He pushes a radical belief on individualism where no one …More
@charisma It's true Christians can learn some things from non-Christians, but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to a former protestant turned atheist psychologist try to instruct me on Christianity. I've noticed more and more Catholics promote this guy as if he speaks about Catholic values. He's a charlatan, hypocrite, and a shabbos goy. He pushes a radical belief on individualism where no one is allowed to have pride in group identity. He's no better than hypocrites Shapiro and Milo who push their jew values on Christian conservatives.

There is a wealth of knowledge in our own church. No need to turn to these clowns.
@mattsixteen24 , I think the article highlights only those characteristics that can be used by Christians as well. Christians also can learn from best practices performed by non believers. What do you think?
He's not Christian. He's an atheist. Don't take lessons from an atheist.