Niente altro che la VERITA'...! Il Mons. che non lo e' piu' da quando ha rinnegato... se stesso..Vigano'!!
Dr Bobus
Vigano' is an archbishop. In Italy bishops are often called monsignor. Orders are permanent, so will always be a bishop.
@Opera 369 A very good surprise your appreciation for this wise man (that I didn't know at all).
Just a little note: in my opinion, the main question in Vigano's personal story isn't his self-repudiation, but his intolerable fight towards REAL and saintly Popes.
This topic alone, sadly, dooms his whole action to irrelevancy.
That is a major damage, since Monsignor (or "former Monsignor") Viganò …Altro
@Opera 369 A very good surprise your appreciation for this wise man (that I didn't know at all).
Just a little note: in my opinion, the main question in Vigano's personal story isn't his self-repudiation, but his intolerable fight towards REAL and saintly Popes.
This topic alone, sadly, dooms his whole action to irrelevancy.
That is a major damage, since Monsignor (or "former Monsignor") Viganò really knows what he's speaking about.
He was Nuncio in the United States, that are totally dominated by the Deep State and widely occupied by the Deep Church
Opera 369
Vigano' - thanks to his un-denied "new consecration" by a schismatic, excommunicated Bishop of the Lefebvrian era, is no longer "Monsignor" (by his own doing). Vigano' has repudiated himself, by repudiating the Bishops and Popes who gave him the post as Archbishop. Try to follow this highly esteemed magistrate.