Denying the logical principle of non-contradiction...
Dr Bobus
Vat II did not do away with minor orders. It was done by Ministeria Quaedam. which was published on Jan 1973
John A Cassani
I’m well aware of that. Would Ministeria Quaedam ever have been issued without Vat II? It’s citations come completely from either Sacrosanctum Concilium or the Novus Ordo GIRM. “Adjacent to Vatican II” is Vatican II.
It's certainly a post concilliar document informed by Vat II.
Dr Bobus
There is nothing specific in Vat II that justifies MQ, only a few vague references.
When I was studying theology in seminary, this idea was all the rage. I think that's why the N. O. church has so many "permanent deacons" who are married men. Often they promote the notion that the deacon along with his wife constitute a "ministerial couple" That's why many traditionalist Catholics maintain that while many deacons (even priests) were married - they practiced perpetual continence …More
When I was studying theology in seminary, this idea was all the rage. I think that's why the N. O. church has so many "permanent deacons" who are married men. Often they promote the notion that the deacon along with his wife constitute a "ministerial couple" That's why many traditionalist Catholics maintain that while many deacons (even priests) were married - they practiced perpetual continence ~ abstaining from martial relations.
John A Cassani
When the Council did away with the minor orders, as well as the major order of subdiaconate, it was for the purpose of confining Holy Orders to only the orders which are sacramental. It may not be absolute dogma that the diaconate is part of the Sacrament, but it is the well established practice. On the worldly side, I can’t see how granting the diaconate to feminists, while severing its relationship …More
When the Council did away with the minor orders, as well as the major order of subdiaconate, it was for the purpose of confining Holy Orders to only the orders which are sacramental. It may not be absolute dogma that the diaconate is part of the Sacrament, but it is the well established practice. On the worldly side, I can’t see how granting the diaconate to feminists, while severing its relationship to the priesthood would be at all satisfactory to them.