
Christ’s Body and His Wife’s Body

A man complained to Father Eugène de Villeurbanne (+1990), the founder of the Capuchins of Morgon, France, now close to PiusX, that he was refused to grasp Holy Communion with his hand. Father Eugène …More
A man complained to Father Eugène de Villeurbanne (+1990), the founder of the Capuchins of Morgon, France, now close to PiusX, that he was refused to grasp Holy Communion with his hand. Father Eugène replied, “Dear sir, on the day of your marriage you received the right to take your wife's body in your hands, and on the day of my ordination I received the right to take the Eucharistic body of Christ in mine. Try taking the Sacred Host in your hands, and I will take your wife's body in mine!” (LeSalonBeige.fr, June 3)
Pan @Církví Boha živého je fakt dema-gog.😉
Církví Boha živého
Církví Boha živého
p.s. ..včetně zamračených nevěřících!
Novena - Oremus
The correct answer to "Body of Christ" is "amen". Not "thank you".