
No Changes: German Bishop Ignores Traditionis Custodes

The Roman Mass will continue as before in five churches in Trier Diocese, Germany, the homosexualist Stephan Ackermann, Bishop of Trier, announced recently. In those churches, the faithful can also request the other sacraments - although Francis' regulations no longer "allow" any other sacraments besides Mass. A spokeswoman told Katholisch.de that these five locations have "grown organically" and represent a good territorial coverage within the diocese. Francis would never dare to touch a conformist German bishop.


Zelfs de progressieve bisschoppen begrijpen dat de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk stervende is.
Paus Franciscus heeft de strijd met de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken dus verloren.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I'm surprised. That's really great of this bishop. I wish all the other Germand would do likewise. Francis would never go after his staunchest supporters of homosexuality.
I don't consider most of the German Church Catholic anymore, thanks to Francis. I hope his "pontificate" is swiftly coming to a rapid end. Even if it winds up being sudden and unexpected.