
St Pelagius of Córdoba a Christian teenager Martyr for rejecting Islam and homosexuality

13 year old boy tortured and martyred in Spain. Pelagius refused to have sex with a Muslim pasha due to his …
Father Karl A Claver
It is a shame his Mass is not found in the TLM missal, not even under Masses for certain places.
la verdad prevalece
Yes, it is a pity. He is only found in the Liturgical Year of Dom Prospero Gueranger, Abbot of Solesmes in the Saints of the Month of June, but I have only found it in Spanish. It seems that the modernists took care of erasing him from the Archives? Well, he is an anti-ecumenist anti-sodomy Saint.
26 DE JUNIO: SAN PELAYO, MARTIR (sensusfidelium.com)More
Yes, it is a pity. He is only found in the Liturgical Year of Dom Prospero Gueranger, Abbot of Solesmes in the Saints of the Month of June, but I have only found it in Spanish. It seems that the modernists took care of erasing him from the Archives? Well, he is an anti-ecumenist anti-sodomy Saint.

26 DE JUNIO: SAN PELAYO, MARTIR (sensusfidelium.com)