
Francis Lost In Slogans: Accepting Schismatics In “Diversity,” “Without Absorption“

Pope Francis has expressed his conviction that unity between Catholics and Orthodox will come through a "harmonious coexistence in legitimate forms of diversity” [although Francis is personally not …More
Pope Francis has expressed his conviction that unity between Catholics and Orthodox will come through a "harmonious coexistence in legitimate forms of diversity” [although Francis is personally not easily ready to accept positions other than his own].
Talking on June 28 to a delegation of the Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople, Francis, calling himself "Bishop of Rome,” said that “the purpose of dialogue is full communion, not a monotonous leveling, much less absorption.”
He also wishes to proclaim the Gospel "in harmony.”
However, the Orthodox are compromised because of their refusing the indissolubility of marriage, their acceptance of contraception, submission to the State, schismatic attitude and their belief in churches rather than the Church.
These days, the schismatics are indisputably more"trad Catholic" than our own novus ordo mainstream. Leadership-wise, well, which man in the photo above ISN'T a communist stooge?