Sir Percy

Degenerative Occult Programming and Dave Chapelle

Alchemical Process and the Revelation of the Method in the "Conservative" Reaction to Netflix's Dave Chapelle By Michael Hoffman Copyright©2021 …
"devolutionary Hermetic-Alchemical process of 'Solve et Coagula'..." Dissolve and coagulate doesn't devolve things. It blends them. The term is more correctly applied to contemporary "ecumenical outreach" efforts.
John A Cassani
Chapelle should not be acclaimed in any way, and we should not be watching any of his so-called stand up “comedy.” It is obscene. However, the whole episode does show how sinful people will, inevitably, devour each other. They do it full-time in hell, but it happens in this life too. It’s not limited to the left, either.
Facts Not Lies
A term common in USA culture is "tear down to build stronger" (or similar). However... this appears to be "tear down to ensure exploitable weakness".
I do know that one of the significant tools used in the east is 'divide and conquer'. This can include:
- Cause increase in perceived racial 'slights'
- Cause cooperating factions to overreact and divide because of a 'slight'
- Cause populations to …More
A term common in USA culture is "tear down to build stronger" (or similar). However... this appears to be "tear down to ensure exploitable weakness".

I do know that one of the significant tools used in the east is 'divide and conquer'. This can include:
- Cause increase in perceived racial 'slights'
- Cause cooperating factions to overreact and divide because of a 'slight'
- Cause populations to overreact and divide because of a 'slight'

I reuse one word often and it may also have other English interpretations which also are relevant here. That word is 'slight'.

Being easily offended provides a great big lever for manipulation...

Or as my Grand father said:
"They call it 'take' offense. This is because it is a CHOICE to take offense. Or not."