
Novus Ordo Church: Parents Cancel First Communion

In Sontg Andriu Parish in Rueun, Switzerland, all hell is breaking loose. Rtr.ch (March 16) quotes a certain Armin Cadalbert who was “very surprised” when his two daughters told him they had been to …More
In Sontg Andriu Parish in Rueun, Switzerland, all hell is breaking loose.
Rtr.ch (March 16) quotes a certain Armin Cadalbert who was “very surprised” when his two daughters told him they had been to confession in the sacristy of the local church.
In Switzerland, religious education including the preparation for the sacraments is taught in the state schools. It is a very rare exception that these children or their parents are practising Catholics.
Cadalbert called the priest and the president of the parish council who in Switzerland is the priest's boss, complaining that “the parents had not been informed”, that he had “not received any concrete answers”, and that the parents had allegedly been “put under pressure.”
Surprisingly, the head of the parish did not stab the priest in the back. However, the parents decided to cancel First Communion.
Rtr.ch then contacted Spanish-born Chur Bishop Joseph Maria Bonnemain, an Opus Dei numerary.
He claimed that confession was “not necessary for …More
English Catholic
From the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador:
"Unbridled passions will give way to a total corruption of customs because Satan will reign through the Masonic sects, targeting the children in particular to ensure general corruption. Unhappy, the children of those times! Seldom will they receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. As for the …More
From the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador:

"Unbridled passions will give way to a total corruption of customs because Satan will reign through the Masonic sects, targeting the children in particular to ensure general corruption. Unhappy, the children of those times! Seldom will they receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. As for the sacrament of Penance, they will confess only while attending Catholic schools, which the devil will do his utmost to destroy by means of persons in authority."

Part one of Our Lady of Good Success video Tomorrow (2nd February) is the Feast of Our Lady of Good Success (Quit…
Part two of Our Lady of Good Success video Tomorrow (2nd February) is the Feast of Our Lady of Good Success (Quit…
Part three of Our Lady of Good Success video Tomorrow (2nd February) is the Feast of Our Lady of Good Success (Quit…
I'm thoroughly convinced that disconnecting the sacrament of Confession from reception of Holy Communion is the root of this crisis of "Eucharistic coherence" that is talked much about in our Church. Millions of Catholics now feel they have a right to receive Our Lord regardless of the state of their lives.
John A Cassani
I agree. Sadly, I’m convinced that this is the inevitable consequence of distributing Holy Communion at every Mass. There was no way to keep it from becoming very casual, eventually.
I concur. When I once told someone that it's not essential for people to receive Communion except the priest for the Mass to be efficacious all I got was a strange look. I also heard one weird comment that if someone refrains from going to Communion while assisting at Mass, he's really doubting the validity of the consecration! 😲
Aaron Aukema
The root cause is the new rite itself, wherein reverences for the Blessed Sacrament are gone, and Communion for the faithful is part of the ritual itself. References to the Real Presence were eliminated, in order to appease the heretics, and let's not forget that at no point would someone who attends the new rite hear condemnations against receiving unworthily...
Aaron Aukema
I should also add that, as per Paul VI's introduction to the new rite, the rite is a "communal" celebration. This is why Communion for the faithful is essential to the rite, and the Conciliar notion of the "priesthood of all believers" presumes that if a priest needs to receive Communion, everyone should be allowed...
Jon D. Kabel
Even Lutherans aren't this Lutheran.