
English Synod Will Discuss "Women Priests"

Liverpool Archbishop Malcolm McMahon will convene an Archdiocesan Synod for which he launched the website “Synod2020.co.uk.”

McMahon plans to review issues and “make decisions.” Among the issues are:

• reinstating eucharistic services in the absence of priests,

• abolishing celibacy and [invalidly] ordaining women.

Picture: Malcolm McMahon, 2013, © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsTdbrsjxflr
Fr Dan
Discuss, yes! But defind how such a thing is completely impossible. If the church did such a scandalous thing, it would very quickly mirror the Anglican church which are empty shells, and they wont have the govt to pay for the buildings. The only thing to come out of this would be the meteoric rise of the SSPX in England
Is this anglican bishop? It seems so. He says the same.
Have they announced which pagan god will be the synod's macot? It's the UK, so it's probably Celtic.. Religious services should be interesting since the Celts practiced human sacrifice.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The collapse in Catholic Church discipline will accelerate until the uncanonical election of Bergoglio is dealt with.
“We have to put Christ and His supernatural revelation back at the center, because this alone can heal all mankind.” - Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Thors Catholic Hammer
Schneider is another coward who keeps antipope francis in place.
God bless Bishop Schneider.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Archbishop Malcolm McMahon was also involved in the "Alfie" case
Here are the Synod's proposed issues
Those (admittedly dreadful) notes are from one parish in Penwortham. Not the synod. Every parish, pastoral area and interest group is preparing their own submissions before any synod decisions are opened for wider discussions. At the outset it was made clear that only suggestions within the competence of a local diocese would reach the final stage. Some of these suggestions don't meet Abp McMahon's …More
Those (admittedly dreadful) notes are from one parish in Penwortham. Not the synod. Every parish, pastoral area and interest group is preparing their own submissions before any synod decisions are opened for wider discussions. At the outset it was made clear that only suggestions within the competence of a local diocese would reach the final stage. Some of these suggestions don't meet Abp McMahon's criteria.