
German Gomorra Bishops Promote Homosexuality

Osnabrück Bishop Franz-Josef Bode and Hamburg Archbishop Stefan Hesse wrote the preface to a book in favor of blessing gay pseudo-marriages.

The book “With the Blessing of the Church?” (presented August 27) was published by Stephan Loos, Michael Reitemeyer and Georg Trettin.

According to LifeSiteNews.com, Trettin is a theologian, living in a gay pseudo-marriage. Reitemeyer is the head of Osnabrück diocese educational academy, Loos holds the same position in Hamburg Archdiocese.

Jens Ehebrecht-Zumsande contributed to the book. He is a leading employee of Hamburg Archdiocese, who presents himself on social media as living in a gay partnership together with the organizer of Hamburg's Gay Pride.

Bode and Hesse say in the preface that they want to “develop perspectives” for homosexuals and notice a "wish for a blessing of homosexual partnerships as an expression of a faithful trust that God’s love and fidelity toward us men is being effective in such a partnership.”

Hardly anybody dares to defend the family. The world around us has accepted a social system which denies the family. It will sometimes help the child in spite of the family; the mother in spite of the family; the grandfather in spite of the family. It will not help the family.