Quote of the day - Crusader Anselm of Ribemont. "To his reverend lord Manasses, by God's grace archbishop of Reims, Anselm of Ribemont, his vassal and humble servant - greeting. Inasmuch as you are …More
Quote of the day - Crusader Anselm of Ribemont.
"To his reverend lord Manasses, by God's grace archbishop of Reims, Anselm of Ribemont, his vassal and humble servant - greeting.
Inasmuch as you are our lord and as the kingdom of France is especially dependent upon your care, we tell to you, our father, the events which have happened to us and the condition of the army of the Lord. Yet, in the first place, although we are not ignorant that the disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord, we advise and beseech you in the name of our Lord Jesus to consider what you are and what the duty of a priest and bishop is. Provide therefore for our land, so that the lords may keep peace among themselves, the vassals may in safety work on their property, and the ministers of Christ may serve the Lord, leading quiet and tranquil lives. I also pray you and the canons of the holy mother church of Reims, my fathers and lords, to be mindful of us, not only of me and of those who are …More