A Termite "Cathedral" photographed in Queensland, Australia, which almost look like the Sagrada Familia (a basilica in Barcelona, Spain) . Termites are usually small, measuring between 4 to 15 mm in (…More
A Termite "Cathedral" photographed in Queensland, Australia, which almost look like the Sagrada Familia (a basilica in Barcelona, Spain) .
Termites are usually small, measuring between 4 to 15 mm in (0.16 to 0.59 in) size, but they are capable of constructing some of the tallest non-human structures in the world, in relation to their size. Indeed, these forts can measure up to 30ft (9.1m) high for some species. Termite mounds are built with a mixture of dung, termite saliva, mud and wood. Although the mounds appear to be solid, they are incredibly porous and the walls are filled with tiny holes that allow outside air to enter and circulate around the entire structure. However, termites do not live throughout the mound but rather in a nest located in the ground below the structure. These elaborate ventilation and cooling systems ensure that oxygen reaches the lower areas of the mound, and keep the nest from overheating, as termites sometimes inhabit arid regions. Actually, termites only …More
Klaus Elmar Müller
Ameisen sind fromme Tiere. Das habe ich mir schon immer gedacht.
They are very PROUD. They want to reach heaven as human being wanted in Babel's tower time.
Klaus Elmar Müller
Pious animals building a cathedral. Not proud - in opposite!
Ave Crux
"A fool says in his heart 'There is no God'...." The incredible precision and obvious intelligence and "programming" evident in all of Creation only serves to shame modern scientists more and more as they continue -- desperate in their denial -- trying to uphold and proclaim the "random" nature of all that we see. “They whom the gods (demons) would destroy, they first make mad.”
George Obregon
The intelligent bio-engineering design of termites is awe-inspiring.
/St. George of Hyperlink
George Obregon
I love God's Intelligent Bioengineering Design! ...
/St. George of Hyperlink
Die Bärin
Unglaublich! Richtig kunstvoll!