Has Our Lord had it with our evil? Are we now at the breaking point? A crimson- red aurora occurred in August 1939 ( on the same day of the signature of the Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty) - which marked the beginning of WW II. Faithful Catholics, reject the evil flowing from the false church - embrace and uphold the traditional Catholic and Apostolic Faith. Pray the Rosary daily. This link below is from …More
Has Our Lord had it with our evil? Are we now at the breaking point? A crimson- red aurora occurred in August 1939 ( on the same day of the signature of the Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty) - which marked the beginning of WW II. Faithful Catholics, reject the evil flowing from the false church - embrace and uphold the traditional Catholic and Apostolic Faith. Pray the Rosary daily. This link below is from Fr. Paul Kramer regarding a world-wide aurora that occurred Nov 5 - 6.

The Auora Borealis of Last Night – Ecclesia Militans

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Fr. Malachi Martin repeatedly said when asked about the chastisements Our Lady warned about in the 3rd Secret of Fatima: "Keep you eyes on the skies --"
Live Mike
Thanks for posting this link to further explain. If you do an internet search, you can see photos of the aurora Fr. Kramer talks about all over the world on Nov 5 - into Nov 6.