
Schneider: Roman Mass Is Obstacle To Vatican's Secularism

Bishop Athanasius Schneider disagrees with Francis’ accusation that Roman Rite Catholics are "divisive" or "fight against Vatican II." This is “an evident pretext” because behind Traditionis custodes …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider disagrees with Francis’ accusation that Roman Rite Catholics are "divisive" or "fight against Vatican II."
This is “an evident pretext” because behind Traditionis custodes is “another agenda,” the rejection of Tradition and the promotion of secularism, he told EWTN (October 7).
Schneider calls the Roman Mass' supernaturality “an obstacle” for Francis' earthly agenda which is “promoted unfortunately by the Holy See.”
The Roman Rite and the “drastically changed” Novus Ordo are not only two coexisting forms - as Benedict XVI put it - but honestly two quite different rites, Schneider observed. Therefore, the Novus Ordo “has to return to the essence of the traditional rite of all times.”
Regarding homosexual abuses, Schneider said that evil has to be acknowledged but the Church may not be intimidated by the world, “Always when the Church capitulates before the world she is becoming weaker.” And, “We have to be confidant and have the conviction that the truth …More
Jeffrey Ade
Well that and maybe the Catholic Faith!
chris griffin
If true, which I believe it is, then this is a "abomination of desolation".
Angelo Santelli
Says here Piglosi was supposed to do a "reading" at the Vatican Mass yesterday before they sssssssssscooted her away. A pro-infanticide dirtbag is allowed to do a reading at a Mass while Bergoglio knew this?
Says here Piglosi was supposed to do a "reading" at the Vatican Mass yesterday before they sssssssssscooted her away. A pro-infanticide dirtbag is allowed to do a reading at a Mass while Bergoglio knew this?
