129 pages
Should read Great Catholic Monarch above instead of Martyr
carlos padila
Cant wait for the Monarch!!! U think it will be on our time????
Next decade.. these two individuals are alive now
Empowered by God Himself the Great Monarch will masterfully win EVERY battle and the Holy Pope will restore Catholicism. TOGETHER they will be an unstoppable team. What is happening in the world today is so big (in regards to evil)…Little wonder that for centuries…even back to St Augustine..God has been preparing the world with His response to this unbelievable evil perpetrated on His creation!
I have that book and it is so interesting that over the centuries the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pastor are foretold ..and this will happen in the next decade as the Fifth Era of the Church ends .. These two powerful and holy men will be anointed by God and He will work through them to restore and cleanse the world of evil .. It will be an exciting time to be alive and it will be great to …More
I have that book and it is so interesting that over the centuries the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pastor are foretold ..and this will happen in the next decade as the Fifth Era of the Church ends .. These two powerful and holy men will be anointed by God and He will work through them to restore and cleanse the world of evil .. It will be an exciting time to be alive and it will be great to see Good Triumph!