Justin Timberlake Pressured Britney Spears to Get Abortion Because He “Didn’t Want to Be a Father”

Justin Timberlake Pressured Britney Spears to Get Abortion Because He "Didn’t Want to Be a Father" …

New reports suggest that, during their relationship, pop icon Britney Spears became pregnant and …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Spears is a sl-t. She pretended to be a convert to the Catholic Church. That is immoral enough to fabricate something like that. I believe she's a practicing Catholic, as much as I believe my dog will be the next Pope. 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪
Kenjiro, Your dog couldn't do any worse a job than the usurper that occupies the see now.
70% of women report being pressured into abortions by their partner!
chris griffin
Not true in my experience. Since they murdered their baby they will surely lie to poll takers. They are simply blaming someone else for their murdering heart. There are only a few that are seriously pressured.
Hound of Heaven
How very sad. And from the 'Me Too' folks, crickets; otherwise they would have a very rocky road defending the ludicrous, and provably untrue with respect to partners' or social pressures upon the women, 'my body, my choice'.
OK, I'm ready, prove it to me that women are not pressured into an abortion by their partners.
Hound of Heaven
I seem to have been misunderstood; that is my very point. The silence of the so-called 'MeToo movement' is precisely because such pressures are provably true, and despicable. If the 'movement' went to these women's defense it would undermine their obsession with abortion as 'women's right to choose'. That is what I meant; I hope that clarifies my point.
Such a horrible industry, the field of entertainment.