
Niet! Bishop Bätzing Puts Francis in His Place

The German church tax bishops are adamant about setting up a "Synodal Committee", said the presiding bishop, Bätzing, at a March 2 press conference.

Until now, the governing body of clergy and laity planned on the Anglican model was called "Synodal Council". The plans have been categorically rejected by the Vatican via Nuncio Eterović but of course without threatening any consequences.

Bätzing explicitly distanced himself from Francis: "Here I say: Holy Father, you can bring that up, yes. But you cannot demand that people accept it."

According to Kna.de, he admitted that Eterović's objection had triggered "fierce debates among the bishops".

Eterović's arguments against an [invalid] ordination of women were also "almost unbearable" for Bätzing to listen to, he said.

Finally, Bätzing made a "personal" plea for a sacrilegical "blessing" for persons practising homosexuality.

Picture: © Pressefoto, SynodalerWeg.de, #newsOfutcuyuyv

Dr Bobus
There is a very useful phrase in American English, referring to someone being batsh!t crazy. Every time I see this bishop 's name mentioned, I can't help but think it fits him.
German Bishop of Limburg Georg Batsh1t (crazy)More
There is a very useful phrase in American English, referring to someone being batsh!t crazy. Every time I see this bishop 's name mentioned, I can't help but think it fits him.

German Bishop of Limburg Georg Batsh1t (crazy)
P. O'B
Every time I see his name, I think of the same thing.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If the Pope and the VAtican are still Roman Catholic, which I doubt, Pope Francis, and the Roman Curia members, Parolin, Ouellett and Ladaria should very quickly condemn the Germans, condemn their initiatives, and fire/resign all the German bishops except for those who did not support this heretical maneuver (and there are a few). Batzing should be stripped of his office, and also the episcopacy. …More
If the Pope and the VAtican are still Roman Catholic, which I doubt, Pope Francis, and the Roman Curia members, Parolin, Ouellett and Ladaria should very quickly condemn the Germans, condemn their initiatives, and fire/resign all the German bishops except for those who did not support this heretical maneuver (and there are a few). Batzing should be stripped of his office, and also the episcopacy. Marx should be stripped of the CArdinalate, and episcopacy. Maybe both should be laicized. But the Pope and Vatican must put this German issue to and end, squash it.
In a way, all this is a good thing, because now many bishops are having their eyes opened as to the fact that Francis' "synod" is modeled very much on the German model.....and will likewise be a disaster.
I hope the German "Synodal Way" collapses, and also Francis' own "Synod on Synodality" as well... and with it, any accomodating gestures towards homosexuals, wonem deacons, women priests,married priests, LGBTQ's, homo blessings, etc.etc.