
Hungary: Francis Sells His Usual Platitudes

In his opening remarks during his three-day trip to Hungary, Francis insisted that the country "must" accept illegal immigrants - to the detriment of the poor countries of origin, which are losing their young population.

He criticised "ideological colonisation", the gender ideology, a "senseless right" to abortion, while in Rome he praises and even rewards those who promote such evils.

President Katalin Novak called Francis, who has started a civil war in the Church, a "man of peace". Eduard von Habsburg, Hungary's ambassador to the Holy See, said the two had "a great time" together (pictured).

Prime Minister Victor Orban, a Protestant, told Abu-Dhabi-Francis: "Without Christianity, Hungary would not exist today. Hungary has a future if it remains on the Christian path, and today the Christian path is the path of peace".

In Budapest Cathedral, Francis, in a wheelchair, greeted a priest who was also in a wheelchair (pictured below).

In his homily he bombarded the priests present with his usual clichés: "our first pastoral priority is not to be bound by ideology", "do not be rigid", "show compassion and tenderness". In other words: Francis wants others to be what he is not.


Louis IX
Globalists start wars that kill off the best and brightest men and create millions of refugees. Destroy or move industries overseas that decimate middle class families and kill off small towns. Aid and abet the invasion of once sovereign Christian lands with people antagonistic to the True Faith. And now even have the foremost Christian authority in the world cooperating with them.
My Jesus Mercy.
Louis IX
Why would a Roman Pontiff want a Christian nation to commit suicide?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
God bless that good priest who lost the lower half of his body probably to disease. I would not be surprised if he's a Jesuit, and one of the last in Hungary.
Francis' cliches are like a broken record....over and over the same crap. After a time, you throw the record out......in this case throw out Francis.
So sad that the Papal office is being abused in such a way. Pray for his poor soul as he has much to answer for.