Gloria.TV News on the 16th of Jenuary 2014 At some point: The White House announced that President Barack Obama will meet Pope Francis - quote - “at some point in the near future.” While visiting the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 16th of Jenuary 2014
At some point: The White House announced that President Barack Obama will meet Pope Francis - quote - “at some point in the near future.” While visiting the Vatican Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry stated: “I know that the Holy Father is anticipating the visit of President Obama here and the president is looking forward to coming here to meet with him.”
Will The Pope Intervene? 83-year-old plain cloth sister Megan Rice faces up to 30 years in prison for anti-war activism and for exposing grave security flaws at a Knoxville nuclear weapons complex. In July 2012 the nun and two fellow activists were able to cross security fences and to reach a building that is said to hold enough weapons-grade uranium to obliterate humanity several times. They sprayed peace slogans on the building. The three are now jailed awaiting a January 28 sentencing hearing. Even if the judge gives Sister Rice a lenient sentence, as seems likely, she could still end …More
Well, does anyone think pope Frances will tell Obama he's a baby killer and homo promoting activist??
Thanks for the news!
Looks like Volpi's job was to wipe-out the Latin Mass in Italy all along ... the devil must be dancing.