Holy Cannoli
Acrobats Perform For Pope. Fratelli PellegriniMore
Acrobats Perform For Pope.
Fratelli Pellegrini
holyrope 3
why do they even have these circus performers anyway? I remember seeing truly scantilly dressed girls performing most indecent postures before the Pope and the rest of the Curia.
holyrope 3
@Trady....did I say it made it OK?
It is reprehensible to say the least!
These "entertainment" acts have been occuring for a very long time, and others much worse than this.
@Trady....did I say it made it OK?

It is reprehensible to say the least!

These "entertainment" acts have been occuring for a very long time, and others much worse than this.
One more comment from holyrope 3
holyrope 3
they formed the numbers XVI for Pope Benedicts number
Holy Cannoli
On the positive side, this scandalous display did not occur during mass. However, did anyone consider what ammunition those pictures (especially with the Pope looking on) would provide to the lavender lobby inclduing those within the Church?
I would say that some organizers likely did know the effects but not only they didn't care, this kind of display (half naked young males) is exactly what they …More
On the positive side, this scandalous display did not occur during mass. However, did anyone consider what ammunition those pictures (especially with the Pope looking on) would provide to the lavender lobby inclduing those within the Church?

I would say that some organizers likely did know the effects but not only they didn't care, this kind of display (half naked young males) is exactly what they wanted.

Have we so quickly forgotten about the homosexual sex scandal that rocked the Catholic Church damaging its crediblity ,its moral authrority and (with money damages) costing the Church in the neighborhood of 3 BILLION dollars in the U.S. alone?

holyrope 3
guess everyone wants a piece of them "Chippendales" Mercy!
Holy Cannoli
Your Holiness,
First the 'condom thing' and now this? You need new advisers.
I will work cheap and my needs are few....a housekeeper, a cook, an Italian tutor and a dance instructor (una donna per favore).
That's it.
Your Holiness,

First the 'condom thing' and now this? You need new advisers.

I will work cheap and my needs are few....a housekeeper, a cook, an Italian tutor and a dance instructor (una donna per favore).

That's it.
