Mexico elects its first woman and Jewish president Mexico elected its first woman and Jewish president in its 200-year history. Claudia Sheinbaum is an academic who shared a Noble Peace Prize for her …More
Mexico elects its first woman and Jewish president
Mexico elected its first woman and Jewish president in its 200-year history. Claudia Sheinbaum is an academic who shared a Noble Peace Prize for her work on climate change, but violence by criminal organizations is expected to be her greatest challenge. NBC’s Guad Venegas reports for TODAY.
Maria delos Angeles
God help
Ivan Tomas
Oh, and Claudia Sheinbaum is an academic who received a nobelprize for her work on a CLIMATE CHANGE.
No doubt, she is another figura por Klaus Schwab and globohomo NewBabiloninans.
Ivan Tomas
Why on earth should any Catholic country choose a jew as a president?
Why is a jew Zelensky president of Ukraine?
Since when are Christians better of with a jew who is "leading" them and their nation?
Billy F
Exactly! They hate Christ! Guess what they hate his followers too!
Ivan Tomas
And how long to wait until Soros and his globohomo ilk are going to settle a hundreds of ngo troyan horses, and then, guess what's next?!
Lucas Lucatho95 Benoit Gonin
R.I.P le Mexique
Jeffrey Ade
You are so right!
Maria delos Angeles
and the US their neighbours by osmotic pressure!
Jeffrey Ade
@Maria delos Angeles Sadly to say the US is the main satanic evil in the northern hemisphere. We are long gone, just a zombie corpse not realizing it is already dead! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Martin Barillas
See what Martina Moyski predicts: soulsandliberty.com/post/left-or-more-left
WOW!! Looks like they're going back to the Cristeros times!
Billy F
Yes. Looking at her background, she sounds like a Bolshevik Marxist. 🤔
Billy F
Strange days! Eyes open !!! No Kawinkidinks! A woman who rejects Jesus Christ in the land of Our Lady of Guadalupe.