Now more than ever is the time for the Jewish nation to consider Jesus Christ, Son of David, as the answer and way for authentic peace in Israel. John-Henry Westen: An open letter to PM Benjamin …More
Now more than ever is the time for the Jewish nation to consider Jesus Christ, Son of David, as the answer and way for authentic peace in Israel.
John-Henry Westen:
An open letter to PM Benjamin Netanyahu and all Jewish people on the way to peace
Dear Mr. Netanyahu, here is the road to peace for your nation.
In the Hebrew Bible, peace is mentioned quite frequently. “When a man’s ways please the Lord,” we read in Proverbs 16, “he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Peace depends on the Almighty as the Psalms reveal: “For you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” (Ps. 4:8)
So let me tell you in all honesty, Mr. Netanyahu, I have the key to peace for you and for your people. But let me begin with why I’m wanting to share this with you.
It relates to the immense love and gratitude that I hold in my heart for the Jewish people. The example of your people has molded my life, has inspired my mind and heart, and in fact gives my life meaning and purpose.
Father Abraham, with his …More