Gloria.TV News on the 30th of May 2016 Blessing Soldiers: Pope Francis blessed Ukrainian soldiers at the general audience on May 25. He descended from the papa-mobile and approached the group of military …More
Gloria.TV News on the 30th of May 2016
Blessing Soldiers: Pope Francis blessed Ukrainian soldiers at the general audience on May 25. He descended from the papa-mobile and approached the group of military which had participated in the military pilgrimage to Lourdes. According to the Religious Information Service of Ukraine among them were soldiers wounded during combat missions against their own people in Eastern Ukraine’s Donbas.
Diabolical Confusion: The Anglican Bishop of Oxford authorized the homosex pseudo-marriage of Mpho Tutu, a South African Anglican priestess and daughter of Desmond Tutu, the former Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town. Ms Tutu lost her licence as a South African Anglican priestess after attempting a homosex pseudo-marriage there. For her English pseudo-marriage she received the permission from the South African Anglicans who before had suspended her. Tutu remains a priestess of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.
Unity: Syriac-Orthodox Archbishop Nicodemus Sharaf …More
thanks for the news !!! But i think it is the orthodoks church that should use the term"confession" or "community" and not the catholic church 🤨 👌 🤐
Thanks for the News
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