Gloria.TV News on the 13th of October 2015 Conspiracy: Sandro Magister writes that Cardinal Pell handed over to the Pope a letter signed by 13 Cardinals. Among them: Caffarra, Collins, Dolan, Eijk, …More
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of October 2015
Conspiracy: Sandro Magister writes that Cardinal Pell handed over to the Pope a letter signed by 13 Cardinals. Among them: Caffarra, Collins, Dolan, Eijk, Müller, Napier, Pell, Sarah, and Urosa. They voiced concerns that the Synod is “designed to facilitate predetermined results” and that the Instrumentum laboris is inadequate. Yesterday four cardinals also on Magister’s original list, denied having signed the letter: Erdö, Scola, Vingt-Trois and Piacenza. It is likely that they actually did sign but under the condition that the letter would not be made public. So the question is: Who made it public and why?
Split: Damian Thompson comments on the letter of the 13 Cardinals: “I’m one of countless commentators who has warned that holding this synod could split the church. Now it’s happening, much faster than any of us anticipated.”
Universal Brotherhood: Tomorrow, Cardinal Loris Capovilla, the former private secretary of John XXIII will turn 100…More
We are honoured to publish an English translation of the intervention made to the Ordinary Synod by Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznan, President of the Polish Episcopal Conference.
To begin with, I would like to stress that the following presentation does not express only my personal …More

We are honoured to publish an English translation of the intervention made to the Ordinary Synod by Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznan, President of the Polish Episcopal Conference.

To begin with, I would like to stress that the following presentation does not express only my personal opinion but the opinion of the entire Polish Episcopal Conference.

1. There is no doubt that the Church of our times—in the spirit of mercy—has to help those who are divorced and “remarried” civilly to see (with prompt charity) that they are not separated from the Church but can—and indeed should—participate in her life insofar as they are baptized.

They ought to be exhorted to listen to the Word of God, to frequent the sacrifice of the Mass; to persevere in prayer; to increase their works of charity and initiatives of the community that favor justice; to educate their children in the Christian faith; to cultivate the spirit and the works of penance to so implore, day after day, the grace of God. May the Church demonstrate herself to be a merciful Mother that may sustain them in the Faith and in Hope.

2. The Church, nevertheless, in the teaching regarding the admission of the divorced and civilly “remarried” to Holy Communion cannot bend to the will of man but to the will of Christ. Therefore, the Church cannot let herself be conditioned neither by sentiments of false compassion for people nor by false models of thought, even if they are diffused in the context in which she finds herself.

The admission to Holy Communion of those who continue to cohabit more uxorio without a sacramental bond would be in contrast with the Tradition of the Church. Already the documents of the very first synods of Elvira, Arles, Neocesarea (which took place between 304 and 319) reaffirm the doctrine of the Church not to admit to Eucharistic Communion the divorced and “remarried.”

3. The fundamental reason is that “their state and their condition of life objectively contradict that bond of love between Christ and the Church that is signified and actuated in the Eucharist.” (Familiaris consortio 84)

The Eucharist is the sacrament of the baptized that are in gratia sacramentalis. The admission to Holy Communion of persons who are divorced and civilly “remarried,” i.e. of persons that are not in sacramental grace, could cause much damage not only for that which pertains to the pastoral care of families but also for the doctrine of the Church regarding sanctifying grace.

In fact, such an admission would open the door to all the persons who are in mortal sin to receive Holy Communion; in consequence this would cancel the Sacrament of Penance and would debase the importance of living in sanctifying grace.

Finally, it needs to be reaffirmed that the Church cannot accept the so-called law of graduality or the gradual path. As Pope Francis reminded us, those of us gathered here do not want and do not have any power to change the doctrine of the Church.
The Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, October 13, 1917
The Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, October 13, 1917

Chris P.
Word is out that not only is the "process" and the "working document" flawed, but "language barriers" are also an issue for the Voting Synod Participants. - - - - -
In addition Fr. THOMAS ROSICA - the English language assistant to the Holy See Press Office at the Vatican,
and English-language spokesperson at the Synod of Bishops in Rome,
has been promoting homosexual lifestyle stuff to the English …More
Word is out that not only is the "process" and the "working document" flawed, but "language barriers" are also an issue for the Voting Synod Participants. - - - - -
In addition Fr. THOMAS ROSICA - the English language assistant to the Holy See Press Office at the Vatican,
and English-language spokesperson at the Synod of Bishops in Rome,
has been promoting homosexual lifestyle stuff to the English speaking press whenever he gets a chance. This is being done to condition the laity to accept the Mortal Sin of sodomy.
How can we respect the Roman officials and a Synod, which is conducted according to the rules of the Second Vatican Council and the pseudo human rights, while they openly deny the Godly inspiration of the Bible by unqualified, abusiveness "appointee" and "missions"...?
And how can we respect them while they declare that they worship the same God with Muslims and Jews, while they ackknowledge the …More
How can we respect the Roman officials and a Synod, which is conducted according to the rules of the Second Vatican Council and the pseudo human rights, while they openly deny the Godly inspiration of the Bible by unqualified, abusiveness "appointee" and "missions"...?
And how can we respect them while they declare that they worship the same God with Muslims and Jews, while they ackknowledge the alleged UN human rights unstead God´s Ten commandments - namely not to kill, not to lie and steal, not commit adultery, not desire the belongings of the people and not bear false witness against them... to love the revealed God over all and to love the neighbours as ourselves...!
The fundamental human rights may demand human dignity and the physical and psychological integrity, but are not respected - neither by the West nor by the islamic rulers.
Meanwhile, most politicians and their inferiors are rapidly abandoning any former pretense of nominal Christianity. Therefore they promoting sexual perversions against children and adults in their own countries and embargo foreign attachment in other countries and popular tourist destinations.
Where are the assured peace and safety and the "fundamental human rights" in the terrorist- and war zones, in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Africa, Europe, United States etc., where all these crimes against humanity pervade...?
The Vatican and the United States Organization has failed and will fail to bring peace to the world. In its 70 years of the UN they have not achieved positive goals, and cannot achieve positive goals. Current events and Bible prophecy show that humanity is headed toward greater premature labours, until to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 24,3-21, John 16,20-22)
Lilian Philomena
What drugs is Cardinal Loris Capovilla on? lol...But true your eminence, it is the dawn of the modernist new order "Church," if that's what you mean.
Thanks so much for being here!
Noticias en Español
Conspiración: Sandro Magister escribe que el cardenal Pell entregó a Francisco una carta firmada por 13 cardenales. Entre ellos: Caffarra, Collins, Dolan, Eijk, Müller, Napier, Pell, Sarah, y Urosa. Ellos expresaron su preocupación de que el Sínodo esta "diseñado para facilitar los resultados predeterminados" y que el Instrumentum laboris es inadecuado. Ayer cuatro cardenales de la lista original …More
Conspiración: Sandro Magister escribe que el cardenal Pell entregó a Francisco una carta firmada por 13 cardenales. Entre ellos: Caffarra, Collins, Dolan, Eijk, Müller, Napier, Pell, Sarah, y Urosa. Ellos expresaron su preocupación de que el Sínodo esta "diseñado para facilitar los resultados predeterminados" y que el Instrumentum laboris es inadecuado. Ayer cuatro cardenales de la lista original de Magister, negaron haber firmado la carta: Erdö, Scola, Vingt-Trois y Piacenza. Es probable que en realidad la firmaron pero bajo la condición de que la carta no se haría pública. Así que la pregunta es: ¿Quién la hizo pública y por qué?

Dividir: Damian Thompson comenta sobre la carta de los 13 cardenales: "Soy uno de los innumerables comentaristas que ha advertido de que la celebración de este Sínodo podría dividir la iglesia. Ahora está sucediendo, mucho más rápido que cualquiera de nosotros haya anticipado ".
St Turibio Romo
Cardinal Capovilla - it's the dawn of the anti-Church.