
Synod Prelates Will Hold Secretive Catacomb Meeting

Around 150 of the 185 Amazon Synod’s bishops will sign a second Pact of the Catacombs on October 20, DomTotal.com (October 17) reports.

In 1965, at the end of the Second Vatican Council, 42 South American bishops signed such a pact in the Roman Domitilla catacomb promising to live "poor," even without bank account, to entrust the financial management of their dioceses to laypeople and to “be open to all, whatever their religion.”

The old pact promoted Marxist Liberation Theology, the new one focuses on climate alarmism.

The group is lead by Cardinal Claudio Hummes. The title of the pact is: “Catacomb Pact for the Common House.”

The meeting starts at 7.00 with a Domitilla Catacomb Eucharist and the signing of a text. Journalists have allegedly no access.

The show was already prepared before the Synod by retired Bishop Erwin Kräutler who considers baptism a "symbol of colonialism."


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They will decend into hell to adore the demons.
Lord have mercy.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle