
Their Synod: Applause For "Married Priests" And "Female Ministries"

Hiding behind "most Catholic communities" in the Amazon [where there are almost no Catholics] who allegedly "request" the ordination of married men, Cardinal Claudio Hummes, 85, Francis' handpicked Relator General of the ongoing Amazon Synod, asked for abolishing celibacy already during the Synod's October 7 opening session.

Hummes further claimed that a great number of women "lead" Catholic communities and therefore their service should be awarded with a “suitable ministry,” although such a "ministry" was never wanted by Christ.

For both demands, Hummes received huge applause from the delegates of the Synod which is a meeting of the extremist Francis Party, not a representative gathering of the Church of Christ.

Picture: Claudio Hummes, #newsTnzhyfwezu

They're not wasting any time.
None of them would marry. This is an angle to the public approval of sodomite relationships later on.
Our Lady of the Rosary crush the head of Satan.
May God rebuke him we humbly pray.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
The backers of the Amazon Synod are racists, because they are implying that the peoples of the Amazon cannot live the Gospel, even though all other peoples can!
Hummes 2006: We need to discuss whether to "review the norms on celibacy."
Hummes today: Indigenous communities "requested" ordaining married men.
The Amazonian peoples are being used.More
Hummes 2006: We need to discuss whether to "review the norms on celibacy."
Hummes today: Indigenous communities "requested" ordaining married men.

The Amazonian peoples are being used.