holyrope 3
Critical Mass. Critical MassMore
Critical Mass.
Critical Mass
holyrope 3
@kfarley....I think your correct.
I think Voris really loves the Catholic Church. The banning of Voris by Catholic Answers probably boils down to an ego situation. Catholic Answers as mirrored in secular broadcasting probably does not like a "rival" voice being mentioned on their blog.
holyrope 3
Hiding your bald head.. ☕
Holy Cannoli
At great personal risk, I will admit that my avitar is me except for the Swiss Guard outfit and the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle. :-)
I do not intend on removing my snappy Swiss Guard Beret. Why not? A man has to know his limitations. Today it's the beret. Tomorrow, who knows.... someone may want to see the cannoli?
At great personal risk, I will admit that my avitar is me except for the Swiss Guard outfit and the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle. :-)


I do not intend on removing my snappy Swiss Guard Beret. Why not? A man has to know his limitations. Today it's the beret. Tomorrow, who knows.... someone may want to see the cannoli?

holyrope 3
@Cannoli...why not show us your hair, (or lack of), so we can all critique it.
Excellent analysis and comments, as always, Michael! These kumbahyah priests and congregations have turned the Mass into the Mess.
Holy Cannoli
Not everyone is a fan.
Catholic Answers Bans New Threads About Michael Voris ("The Vortex") of Real Catholic TV
Michael Voris:
So why is it that so many faithful Catholic media outlets pay so little attention to the politics and corruption and rotten things happening inside the Church? That's a fair question, and it's one that everyone …More
Not everyone is a fan.

Catholic Answers Bans New Threads About Michael Voris ("The Vortex") of Real Catholic TV


Michael Voris:
So why is it that so many faithful Catholic media outlets pay so little attention to the politics and corruption and rotten things happening inside the Church? That's a fair question, and it's one that everyone needs to think about it.

Could it be that many of these media types in the faithful camp are somewhat hamstrung, they have their hands tied, and are unable to say what really needs to be talked about? Could it be that they enjoy friendly relations with various powerful people in the Church and don't want those relationships damaged?..."



p.s. The Justin Bieber haircut needs to go.
👍 👍 🧐
holyrope 3
Good one Michael! Thank you 👍