The Seduction of The Antichrist

Ed. the seduction of the AntiChrist is a psychology a spirit that permeates the worlds psychology [emotion, behaviors, sentiments motivations etc] and will try to disseminate , to parasitically colonize …More
Ed. the seduction of the AntiChrist is a psychology a spirit that permeates the worlds psychology [emotion, behaviors, sentiments motivations etc] and will try to disseminate , to parasitically colonize with power through the seductive psychology resonant to the human self and the worlds system, its 'ism'of selfish principles and self centeredness, carried along on a whimsical 'humanistic sentiment'.
Perhaps The Antidote is the doggedly persevering faith and love of Mary, of John and the bulwark affirmation of scripture
LifeSiteNews) — In the previous episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, we were looking at what Catholic authorities expect to see from the Antichrist – and how similar this is to what some Jewish groups expect to see from their earthly Messiah.
In this part, we’re going to look at what both groups expect to be the religious system imposed by these respective figures – and to me they sound like the very same thing, but I’m going to let you decide for yourself.
The …More
Scientific dictatorship been pretending to be God since Galileo
Darwinism destroyed faith in holy scripture