
Francis Church: Single-Use Gloves Become New Dogma

Father Leonardo Ricotta of Sant’Agata parish in Villabate, Sicily, became the first priest eliminated over the Italian bishops' coronavirus liturgy which forces priests to distribute Communion exclusively in the hand, and wearing gloves.

Ricotta called this in a May 18 homily a “Eucharistic butcher shop” and a “sacrilege." He stressed that fragments of the consecrated host could stick to the single-use-gloves, "Am I supposed to throw Christ into the recycling bin? I’d rather not give communion at all.”

Postings on social media say that Ricotta was de facto removed by Palermo Archbishop Corrado Lorefice, 57, who became famous for riding a bicycle in his cathedral, (below).

Lorefice claimed, that Ricotta "had resigned" by denying Communion on the hand which is “allowed” by Vatican documents.

“Personal convictions presented by single individuals as authentic doctrine cannot be imposed on the faithful,” Lorefice pontificated - as if coronavirus communion in the hand were "authentic doctrine."


Poked! Prodded! Like the Roman soldiers did to Him!
Gesù è con noi
🤔 Wait a minute, those bergoglianos are using the same contaminated glove for all the faithful? So here it is evident that there is no love of neighbor but for themselves. 🤔 Then, following the argument of the Bergoglians, when they use the same contaminated glove, they put the faithful in danger of death and health deterioration.
Gesù è con noi
When a doctor sees a patient, gloves should be changed for each patient. So the gloves can never be reused without having previously been sterilized. Here those who would be protecting themselves from possible sick people would be the unscrupulous Bergoglians while they contaminate the faithful by reusing the contaminated glove.
Ipsa conteret
Pray, my friends, for the Lord God Almighty, to crash down this house of jokers and thieves -- who are out to destroy the Catholic Faith! Thank you, Father Ricotta, for being willing to pay the price of being a true and faithful shepherd -- who serves the Good Shepherd!
“Personal convictions presented by single individuals as authentic doctrine cannot be imposed on the faithful,” -technically, that applies to the Bishop's ruling. While he may have jurisdiction over his diocese, he doesn't speak for the entire Church. There IS no "authentic doctrine" for corona-virus. That which is "allowed" by the Church is not -mandated- by it.